I recently found out that a blog can only have 2000 labels. When I started the Football Cartophilic Info Exchange I created quite a few labels for each post - issuer, set title, card reference numbers, etc. Since I discovered the limit I have been more frugal. Even then there will come a time when I reach the limit set by Blogger. I know there is a search facility on the blog, but I thought I would try and create an Index blog, listing all the titles of the posts in Football Cartophilic Info Exchange, in alphabetical order, all in one regularly updated post. I was hoping to create a link to the original post from the Index, but that hasn't been possible yet. I'm not sure if this is a worthwhile exercise... we'll have to wait and see.

Sunday, 5 October 2014


Up to and including 31st May, 2016 

Q Club, St. Helier - Football
Quadriga - ZB9-82-1 The Laws of Soccer
Quadriga - ZB9-82-3 Soccer Stars 83-84
Quaker Oats - QUA-420 / ZJ9-5 ~ Photos of World Cup Football Stars
Quaker Oats - QUA-52 Quaker Mini Books ~ How Sports Began
Quaker Oats - Quaker Picture Cards - Group 9 - Stars of Sport
Quaker Oats / Sugar Puffs - Honey Monster's Supreme Team Tips
Quaker Oats / Sugar Puffs - Soccer Stars Pop Ups
Queen Anne Press - Footballers
Queens Park Rangers F.C. - QPR Squad Cards Season 2009-10
Quess Cards - Football Stars 1936
Question of Sport - Famous Sporting Faces
Question of Sport - Question of Sport ~ Green back ~ First Edition
Question of Sport / Toy Brokers Ltd - Question of Sport Picture Board (2007)
Quieta-Werke GMBH, Augsburg - 31706-03 Fußball 1951/52 Oberliga Süd
R. & J. Hill - Celebrities of Sport
R. & J. Hill - Crystal Palace Souvenir Cards
R. & J. Hill - Famous Footballers
R. & J. Hill - Football Captains Series
R. & J. Hill - Popular Footballers ~ Series A/B
R. & J. Hill - Sports
R. & J. Hill - Sunripe Cigarettes - Famous Footballers
R. & J. Hill (Nyasa Smoking Mixture) - Famous Footballers
R. Scott & Co. - 1906 F.A. Cup Final (Everton v Newcastle United)
R. Scott & Co. - Famous Football Teams No. 4 - Second Edition
R. Scott & Co., Manchester - Footballers
R.T. Muat - Sports Favourites (A.J. Donaldson)
Radek Arkadiusz Posters (Poland) - Euro 2012 Stars
Radio Fun - RAD-090/RAF-1 British Sports Stars
Raedthuys NV - Voetbal
Rafo - Euro 2016
Rangers F.C. - Rangers Greatest Ever Team (Scratchcards)
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Celebrated Association Football Clubs - series 940
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Celebrated Football Players - series 899
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Die-Cut Scraps ~ Footballers/Cricketers (01)
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Die-Cut Scraps ~ Footballers/Cricketers (01) - Giant Relief No. 204/203
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Die-Cut Scraps ~ Footballers/Cricketers (03)
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Die-Cut Scraps ~ Footballers/Cricketers (04)
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Early Days of Sport - Oilette series - series 9293
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Famous Football Players - series 900
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Fiscal Football - series 6142
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Football Illustrated - Oilette series - series 3623
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Football Incidents - series 1203 (monochrome) / series 1746 (coloured)
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Humorous Football Terms - series 1365
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Journals Illustrated - series 1373
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Outdoor Sports - series 6884
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Weather Forcast - Oilette series - series 3618
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Women in Sport - series 2418
Raphael Tuck & Sons - Write Away - series 129
Raphael Tuck & Sons / Daily Mirror - Useless Eustace
Rattler / Dazzler comics - Caricatures of Sportsmen
Reading F.C. Society of Collectors & Historians - Reading F.C. 2003
Reclamos F. Borrás - Jugadores Internacionales - Serie D
Record Cigarette Co. - Sportsmen ~ The Talkie Cigarette Card
Record Cigarette Co. - Sportsmen ~ The Talkie Cigarette Card (2)
Record Cigarette Co. - Sportsmen ~ The Talkie Cigarette Card (3)
Red & Green Cards - (P006) Football Heroes - Series 1
Red & Green Cards - (P007) Football Heroes - Series 2
Red & Green Cards - (P008) Football Heroes - Series 3
Reddish Maid / Silver Flake Sweet Cigarettes - RED-390/REG-3 International Footballers Of Today
Rekord magasinet - Rekords Idrottsalbum (1942-1970)
Rekord magasinet - Sportsmen
Reunion Zigarettenfabrik - (21818-02/R26) Sportbilder, Fussball und andere Sportarten
Rewe - 2016 DFB-Stars
Rewe - Mein Mitmach-Buch (Disney)
Rewe - Offizielle DFB-Sammelkarte 2014
Reyauca (Venezuela) - Ases Mundiales (1982)
Richard Baldwin - 1950's Arsenal F.C.
Richard Baldwin - 1st Season's Highlights at the Emirates
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal F.C. ~ 100 Club ~ Goalscoring Centurions
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal F.C. ~ 1950s Star Players
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal F.C. ~ Cup Winning Captains
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal F.C. ~ F.A. Cup Winners 1950
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal F.C. ~ League Championship Winning Captains & Managers
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal F.C. ~ Most Appearances
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal F.C. Team Photos 1913-2005
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal Managers
Richard Baldwin - Arsenal's Last Season at Highbury
Richard Baldwin - For The Record
Richard Baldwin - Last Season at Highbury Squad
Richards Collection - Sporting Stars
Richards Collection - Sporting Stars (2)
Richards Collection - Sporting Stars (3)
Richards Collection - Stars of the Past
Ringtons Limited - (RIZ-17/RIN-150) Then and Now
Ripley Bros. - Football Colours
Ripley Bros. - Football Colours (05)
Ripley Bros. - Football Colours (06)
Ripley Bros. - Football Colours (07)
Ripley Bros. - Football Colours (2)
Ripley Bros. - Football Colours (3)
Ripley Bros. - Football Colours (4)
RI-RI-Demaret Chocolate Co. - Belgian Football Teams
Rittenhouse Archives - XIII: X-Men The Last Stand (Vinnie Jones)
Rizla - Voetbalprominenten (1ste Series)
Rizla - Voetbalprominenten ~ Deel 2 (2de Series)
Robert Deuchar Ltd. - 1958-1959 Football Fixtures
Robert Sinclair's Cigarettes - Footballers
Robert Sinclair's Cigarettes - Newcastle United Footballers (2)
Robert Sinclair's Cigarettes - Sunderland Footballers
Robert Sinclair's Cigarettes - Sunderland Footballers (2)
Rochdale F.C. / The Cemetery Hotel - Rochdale AFC
Roche & Co. Ltd. ~ The Rising Sun - ROC-030 / ROM-1 Famous Footballers
Rochester Lancers - Rochester Lancers
Rockwell Publishing - (408A/L) Classic Football Teams of the 1960's
Rockwell Publishing - (409A/L) Classic Football Teams Before the First World War
Rockwell Publishing - (414A/L) Spurs Great Post-War Goalscorers ~ Series 1
Rockwell Publishing - (415A/L) Spurs Great Post-War Goalscorers ~ Series 2
Rockwell Publishing - 407A/L/X Classic Liverpool
Rockwell Publishing - 410A/L/X Relegated to History ~ England's Lost Football Grounds
Rockwell Publishing - Classic Football Teams Before the First World War
Rockwell Publishing - Classic Football Teams of the 60's
Rockwell Publishing - Spurs 1960-1963 The Glory Years
Romanian Express - Cupa Mondiala - Fotbal S.U.A. '94 (U.S.A. '94)
Rookie Review / Hype Trading Cards - Footballers
Roos-Atkins - San Jose Earthquakes
Roox Sports - Baltimore Blast Trading Cards (1999-2000)
Roox Sports - Cleveland Crunch (1999-2000)
Rose Marie Chokladen (Sweden) - Sportsmen
Rostron, New Wortley - Leeds United F.C. Postcards
Rostron, New Wortley - Leeds United F.C. Postcards (2)
Rotary Photo - Football Teams (Postcards)
Rothmans - Football International Stars
Rotopress Prärie - Rotopress Prärie Series (1958)
Rot-Weiß Oberhausen - Rot-Weiß Oberhausen Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
Rover / D.C. Thomson - 1923 League Ladder
Rover Design & Co. Victory Blend - Portsmouth & Dundee
Rover Design & Co. Victory Blend - Portsmouth & Southampton
Rover Design & Co. Victory Blend - Portsmouth &....
Rover Design & Co. Victory Blend - Portsmouth &.... (2)
Roy of the Rovers - 1987-88 League Ladders
Roy of the Rovers - Scratchmatch Game
"Roy of the Rovers - Three Special ""Stickers"" (1977)"
Roy of the Rovers / Fleetway Books - Roy of the Rovers Poster Sticker Book ~ Two World Teams
Roy of the Rovers / I.P.C. Magazines - Stars of British Soccer
Roy of the Rovers Annual - League Club Badges / Colours of your Favourite English and Scottish Clubs
Roy of the Rovers comic - 1990-91 League Ladders
Roy of the Rovers comic - 1990-91 League Ladders (2)
Roy of the Rovers magazine - The Milk Cup Final Chart 1983
Royal Mail - (PHQ 325) Sport (Postcards)
Royal Mail - (PHQ 375) Great Britons (Postcards)
Royal Mail - (PHQ 387) Remarkable Lives (Postcards)
Royal Mail - Football Legends
Royal Mail - Football Legends (2)
Ruglys - Alan Shearer / Manchester United / England
Ruiz Romero - Campeonato Nacional de Liga 73
Ruiz Romero - Futbol Campeonato Nacional Copa de Europa y Recopa 1975-76
Rutherford Cigarettes - Footballers (1890s)
Rutherford Cigarettes - Footballers (2)
Rutherford Cigarettes - Footballers (3)
S & B Products, Glasgow - SAA-040/SAB-1 Torry Gillick's Internationals
S & B Products, Glasgow - SAA-040/SAB-1 Torry Gillick's Internationals (02)
S & B Products, Glasgow - SAA-040/SAB-1 Torry Gillick's Internationals (03)
S & B Products, Glasgow - SAA-040/SAB-1 Torry Gillick's Internationals (04)
S.A. Brain & Co. Ltd. ~ Brains Brewery - Cardiff City Football Club beermat
S.C. Freiburg - 2013-14 Autogrammkarten
S.V. Sandhausen - S.V. Sandhausen Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
Sabritas (Mexico) - PeloTazos
Safeway / Optimum Group Inc. - Eat like a Champion (2000)
Safeway / Optimum Group Inc. - Eat like a Champion (2001)
Safeway / Optimum Group Inc. - Eat like a Champion (2002)
Safeways / Coca Cola - Football Fever
Sainsbury's - The Official England Squad Medal Collection 1998
San Giorgio (Italy) - Calciatori di Turro il Mondo (Cile 1962)
San Jose Earthquakes - 2003 San Jose Earthquakes Matchday Cards
San Jose Earthquakes - 2004 San Jose Earthquakes Matchday Cards
San Jose Earthquakes - 2005 San Jose Earthquakes Matchday Cards
San Jose Earthquakes / Almaden Press / Tony & Alba's / VTA - 2010 San Jose Earthquakes Matchday Cards
San Jose Earthquakes / Almaden Press / Tony & Alba's / VTA - 2010 San Jose Earthquakes Matchday Cards (02)
San Jose Earthquakes / Almaden Press / Tony & Alba's / VTA - 2011 San Jose Earthquakes Matchday Cards
San Jose Sports Authority / Bay Area CyberRays - Bay Area CyberRays ~ 2001 WUSA Champions
Sanitarium Health Food Co. (New Zealand) - Ball Sports
SC Freiburg - SC Freiburg Autogrammkarten (1994-95)
SC Freiburg - SC Freiburg Autogrammkarten (1998-99)
SC Freiburg - SC Freiburg Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
SC Freiburg - SC Freiburg Autogrammkarten (2014-15)
SC Freiburg / CarGarantie - SC Freiburg Team Photo (1998-99)
SC Paderborn - SC Paderborn Autogrammkarten (2014-15)
SC Paderborn 07 - SC Paderborn 07 Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
SC4Hsportscard (Indonesia) - Juventus Players 2014
Scarborough Athletic - 2007-08 Collector Cards
Scarborough Athletic - 2008-09 Collector Cards
Scarborough Athletic - 2010-11 Collector Cards
Scerri's Cigarettes - International Footballers
Schimmelpenninck - European Cup Finals (Cigar Bands)
Score - Serie A (Italian League - 1992)
Score Card Collectables - Score 2nd Series
Score Card Collectables - Score 2nd Series (2)
Score 'n' Roar comic - 1970-71 League Ladders
Scottish Bluebell - Soccer Trivia
Scottish Daily Express - SCO-270 / SCX-4 Scotcards ~ Scottish Footballers
Scottish Daily Express - SCO-270 / SCX-4 Scotcards ~ Scottish Footballers (2)
Scottish Daily Express - Scottish Football Clubs (1964-65)
Scottish Daily Express - Super Sports Postcards
Scottish Daily Express - Super Sports Postcards (2)
Scottish Daily Express - Super Sports Postcards (3)
Scottish Daily Express - Super Sports Postcards (4)
Scottish Daily Mail - Football Posters
Scottish Football Museum - A Date with History
Scottish Football Museum - A Date with History (02)
Scottish Sunday Mail - Scottish Footballers
Scunthorpe United F.C. - Scunthorpe United Official Sticker Album (2014-15)
SE Products - 2013/14 A-League + Socceroos
SE Products - 2013/14 A-League + Socceroos (2)
Seattle Times / Seattle Fire Department - Seattle Sounders
Sega / Panini - WCCF IC 2011-2012 - Ver 2.0
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football 2013-2014 Ver 2.0 (02)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football 2013-2014 Ver 3.0 (01)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football 2013-2014 Ver 3.0 (02) - Checklist
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football 2014-2015 Opening Edition (03) - Checklist
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football 2015-2016 (01)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football 2015-2016 (02)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football 2015-2016 ver. 2.0
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2012-2013 (2)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2012-2013 Version 2.0
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2013-2014
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2013-2014 (02)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2013-2014 (02) - Extra cards
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2013-2014 Ver 2.0 (01)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2014-2015 Opening Edition (01)
Sega / Panini - World Club Champion Football Intercontinental Clubs 2014-2015 Opening Edition (02)
Select Australia - Hyundai A-League 2006 Premium
Select Australia - Hyundai A-League 2007 Premium
Select Australia - Hyundai A-League 2008-09 Premium
Select Australia - Hyundai A-League 2009-10 Premium
Semic / Mars - Fodbold VM Italia 90 (Denmark) / Fotboll VM 90 (Sweden)
Semic Press (F.K.S.) - Fotboll VM 70
Semic Press (Sweden) - Engelska Fotboll-Ligan 1981-82
Semic Press (Sweden) - Engelska Fotboll-Ligan 1982-83
Semic Press / Nordisk Forlag - Soccer 82
Sergio Agüero
Sergio Agüero (2)
Serious Global - Euro 2004 (CD Cardz)
Serious Global - Ron Atkinson's 24 to watch (CD Cards)
Service Line - Eurocups Stars Parade 94-95
Service Line - Eurocups Stars Parade 94-95
Service Line - USA 94
SG Wattenscheid 09 - SG Wattenscheid 09 Autogrammkarten (1993-94)
She Kicks magazine / Dave Will Design - The FA Women's Super League Sticker Book
Sheffield Star - Sheffield Footballers
Sheffield Telegraph Football Guide - SHE-050 Sheffield Wednesday F.C. 
Sheffield Wednesday F.C. / Digidecor - Sheffield Wednesday 2010-11 Season Sticker Collection
Sheffield Wednesday F.C. programme - Sheffield Wednesday F.C. Football Portraits
Sheffield Wednesday F.C. programme - Sheffield Wednesday F.C. Football Portraits 1973-74
Sheffield Wednesday F.C. programme - Sheffield Wednesday Official Sticker Collection 2001-2002 Season ~ SW prefix
Sheffield Wednesday FC - 2001-02 Official Sticker Collection
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph - 1935-36 Team Photos
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph - Ball Star
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph - Team Photo Supplements
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph - Team Photo Supplements (2)
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph - Team Photo Supplements (3)
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph - Team Photo Supplements (4)
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph - Team Photo Supplements (5)
Shell (Netherlands) - Voetball Top 20
Sheridan Collectibles - Underground Art ~ Football & Wembley
Shermans Pools - SHE-210 / SHZ-2 Searchlight on Famous Players
Shermans Pools - SHE-220 / SHZ-3 Searchlight on Famous Teams
Shoot - 1971-72 League Ladders
Shoot - 1972-73 League Ladders
Shoot - 1973-74 League Ladders
Shoot - 1974-75 League Ladders
Shoot - 1975-76 League Ladders
Shoot - 1976-77 League Ladders
Shoot - 1977-78 League Ladders
Shoot - 1977-78 League Ladders (2)
Shoot - 1978-79 League Ladders (2)
Shoot - 1979-80 League Ladders
Shoot - 1980-81 League Ladders
Shoot - 1981-82 League Ladders
Shoot - 1982-83 League Ladders
Shoot - 1983-84 League Ladders
Shoot - 1984-85 League Ladders
Shoot - 1985-86 League Ladders
Shoot - 1986-87 League Ladders
Shoot - 1987-88 League Ladders
Shoot - 1988-89 League Ladders
Shoot - 1989-90 League Ladders
Shoot - 1990-91 League Ladders
Shoot - 1991-92 League Ladders
Shoot - Shoot League Ladders 95-96
Shoot - Shoot League Progess Chart 1992/93 (League Ladders)
Shoot - Shoot League Progess Chart 1993/94 (League Ladders)
Shoot - Shoot/Goal League Ladders 1976/77
Shoot magazine - 1970-71 League Ladders
Shoot magazine - 1970-71 League Ladders (2)
Shoot magazine - 1978-79 League Ladders
Shoot magazine - 1987-88 League Ladders
Shoot magazine - League Ladders Team Tabs
Shoot magazine - League Ladders Team Tabs (2)
Shoot magazine - League Ladders Team Tabs (2)
Shoot magazine - League Ladders Team Tabs (2)
Shoot magazine - League Ladders Team Tabs (3)
Shoot magazine - Roy of the Rovers - The King The History of Roy Race & Melchester Rovers
Showcase Prospects - 2006 Showcase Prospects
Shrewsbury Town F.C. - 125th Anniversary Collector Cards
Shurey's Illustrated - Famous Footballers
Shurey's Publications / Yes or No - YES-050 Footballers
Siam Sport Syndicate (Thailand) - TPL 2011
Sicker-Verlag, Frankfurt - (31940-05) Die Neue Bundesliga
Sicker-Verlag, Frankfurt - 31940-02 Fußball Die besten Fußballspieler
Sicker-Verlag, Frankfurt - 31940-12 Die Weltmeisterschaft 1966 in England
Signature Rookies - 1994 Signature Rookies Tetrad
Silicon Dreams / Eidos - Michael Owen's World League Soccer 99
Silshine Transfers - Football
Simonets Ltd. - Local Footballers
Simonets Ltd. - Local Footballers (02)
Simonets Ltd. / Sporting Celebrities
Sims Confection Works - SIM-040 Scottish Football Club coupons
Simulacija (Serbia) - FootballFan 2016
Simulacija d.o.o. (Serbia) - Top 32
Simulacija d.o.o. (Serbia) - Top 32 (2)
Simulacija d.o.o. (Serbia) - Top 32 (3)
Simulacija d.o.o. (Serbia) - Top 32 (4)
Singleton & Cole - Footballers (1905)
Singleton & Cole - Footballers (1905) (2)
Sky Media - BH Telecom Premijer Liga Bosne i Hercegovine Album 2014-2015
Sky Media - BH Telecom Premijer Liga Bosne i Hercegovine Album 2014-2015 (02)
Sky Sports - It's Live! Live It
Sky Sports - World Cup 2014
Slade & Bullock Ltd - Football Terms
Slade & Bullock Ltd - Football Terms (2)
Slamcaps - Slamcaps
Slamcaps - Slamcaps (Pogs)
Sloan & Graham - Magnificent Magpies 92-93
Sloan & Graham - Magnificent Magpies 92-93 ~ Series 2
Sloan & Graham - Sunderland All Time Greats
Sloan & Graham / Northumberland Village - Newcastle All Time Greats
Smedley Foods/Daddies Sauce - ZJ9-73 Daddies Football Greats
"Smith's Crisps - ""F.A. Rules"" OK! (Booklet)"
Smith's Crisps - 1978-79 League Ladders
Smith's Crisps - Football Crazy Badge
Smith's Crisps - Football Crazy Fascinating Facts File
Smith's Crisps - Football Crazy Fascinating Facts File (2)
Smith's Crisps - Football Crazy Fascinating Facts File (3)
Smith's Crisps - Football Crazy Fascinating Facts File (4)
Smith's Crisps - Football Crazy Fascinating Facts File (5)
Smiths Food Group (Ireland) Ltd. (Smith's Crisps) - George Best Colouring Competition Picture Cards
Smiths Food Group (Ireland) Ltd. (Smith's Crisps) - George Best Colouring Competition Picture Cards (2)
Smokey The Bear - Los Angeles Lazers (1984-85)
Snickers - Tampa Bay Mutiny
Snickers - Virtual Video Collection
Snickers / Adidas - Adidas Predator Player
Snickers / Kroger - Columbus Crew (1999)
Soc. Ind. dos Tabacos de Angola - Sports (1st Series)
Soccer Explosion / Samson Sports Goods / Board of Trade / Soccer World - Washington Diplomats (1977)
Soccer Magic magazine (April 1999) - Soccer Magic stickers
Soccer Monthly - Guide to the Grounds
Soccer Monthly - Guide to the Grounds (2)
Soccer Pax - Freddy Adu / Cristiano Ronaldo
Soccer Star Cards - (P009) Soccer St*r ~ Series 1
Soccer Star Cards - (P010) Soccer St*r ~ Series 2
Soccer Star magazine - Soccer Star Portraits (Back Page)
Soccer Star magazine - Soccer Star Portraits (Back Page) (02)
Soccer Stars magazine - Great Brits! booklet (1987)
Soccer Stars magazine - Stick That!
Soccer The Complete Preview ~ World Cup USA '94 (USA) - Stars of the World Cup USA 94
Soccer The Complete Preview ~ World Cup USA '94 (USA) - Stars of the World Cup USA 94 (02)
Soccer Weekly - 2005 Football Cards (4)
Soccer Weekly - 2006 Football Cards (2)
Soccer Weekly - 2006 Football Cards (3)
Soccer Weekly - 2007 Football Cards (4)
Soccer Weekly - 2008 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - 2009 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - 2010 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - 2011 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - 2012 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - 2013 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - 2013 Football Cards (2)
Soccer Weekly - 2013 Football Cards (3)
Soccer Weekly - 2013 Football Cards (4)
Soccer Weekly - 2013 Football Cards (5)
Soccer Weekly - 2013 Football Cards (6)
Soccer Weekly - 2013 Football Cards (7)
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (10) - 2014-11
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (11) - 2014-T
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (2)
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (3) 2014-06
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (4) 2014-07
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (5)
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (6)
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (7)
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (8) - 2014-09/2014-T
Soccer Weekly - 2014 Football Cards (9) - 2014-10
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (01) - 2015-01
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (02) - 2015-02
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (03) - 2015-03
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (04) - 2015-04
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (05) - 2015-T
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (06) - 2014-T
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (07) - 2015-05
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (08) - 2015-06
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (09) - 2015-07
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (10) - 2015-08
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (11) - 2015-09
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (12) - 2015-10
Soccer Weekly - 2015 Football Cards (13) - 2015-11
Soccer Weekly - 'H' and 'T' series Football Cards
Soccer Weekly - T9 2010 World Cup
Soccer Weekly - Top 50
Soccer Weekly (China) - 2005 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly (China) - 2005 Football Cards (2)
Soccer Weekly (China) - 2005 Football Cards (3)
Soccer Weekly (China) - 2006 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly (China) - 2007 Football Cards
Soccer Weekly (China) - 2007 Football Cards (2)
Soccer Weekly (China) - 2007 Football Cards (3)
Soccerstarz - Soccerstarz Collector Cardz
Soccerstarz - Soccerstarz Collector Cardz (2)
Soccerstarz - Soccerstarz Collector Cardz (3)
Solo Match Works (Czechoslovakia) - Sports (Matchbox labels)
Somportex - Football Action (Mini magazines)
Somportex - Football Badges
Sorcácius (Portugal) - Campeonato Da Europa De Futebol ~ VII Edição (Euro 84)
Sorcácius (Portugal) - XII Campeonato do Mundo do Futebol
South Wales Echo - We'll Always be Blue
Southampton F.C. - SFC Squad 2007/08 Collector Cards
Southampton F.C. - SFC Squad 2007/08 Collector Cards (2)
Southampton F.C. - SFC Squad 2007/08 Collector Cards (3)
Souvenir Matches / Conquest Match Co. - Football Club Stadiums
Souvenir Matches / Conquest Match Co. - Football Club Stadiums (2)
Souvenir Matches / Conquest Match Co. - Football Club Stadiums (3) Liverpool
Souvenir Matches / Conquest Match Co. - Football Clubs (matchbox labels)
Souvenir Matches / Conquest Match Co. - Tottenham Hotspur F.C. Footballers
Soza Arts - Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi
Soza Arts - Pelé (2014)
Spall - The Spall Ball ~ Bobby Moore
Spanish Fruit Syndicate - George Best
Sparbanken (Sweden) - Sparbankens Samlarbilder
Sphinx Products - Poolette ~ Football Pool Card Game (1938)
Sphinx Products - Poolette ~ Football Pool Card Game (1947)
Sphinx Products - Poolette ~ Football Pool Card Game (1947) (02)
Spiro, Valleri & Co. - Noted Footballers ~ Leeds City
Sport & Adventure - SPO-060/070 /SPO-1/2 Our Gallery of Famous Footballers (02)
Sport & Adventure - SPO-060/070 /SPO-1/2 Our Gallery of Famous Footballers / Our Gallery of Famous Scottish Footballers
Sport & General - Footballers (unnumbered series of 5)
Sport Bild magazin - Bundesliga Tabelle 2015/16
Sport Express magazine - Picture Gallery ~ Famous Footballers by P. Trevillion
Sport i Bilder (Norway) - Lagserien
Sport in View / Tony Sheldon - Pro’s and Poetry
Sport in View / Tony Sheldon - Pro’s and Poetry (2)
Sport magazine - SPO-020/SPN-3 Football Team Presentation Pictures
Sport magazine - SPO-020/SPN-3 Football Team Presentation Pictures (2)
Sport magazine - SPO-020/SPN-3 Football Team Presentation Pictures (2)
Sport magazine - SPO-020/SPN-3 Football Team Presentation Pictures (3)
Sport magazine - SPO-040/SPN-2 Team Picture Books ~ Presented by Sport
Sport Pictures - SPO-110-1/2 / SPOM-1-1/2 Supplement to Sport Pictures (dated/undated)
Sported - World of Sported
Sported magazine - Sported Slammin' Cards
Sporting Life - M116 Base Ball Players (Bud Sharpe)
Sporting Mirror - SPO-160-1/15 - Famous Football Teams Letter Card / Famous Soccer Stars Letter Card
Sporting Profiles - (AFAC30) Arsenal F.A. Cup Winners 1929-30 Programme Covers
Sporting Profiles - (SP37-NEF1) Newcastle United 1968/69 Inter Cities Fairs Cup Winners Programme Covers
Sporting Profiles - (SP44) West Ham United 1963-64 F.A. Cup Winners Programme Covers
Sporting Profiles - F.A. Cup Final Programme Covers
Sporting Profiles - F.A. Cup Final Programme Covers ~ Set 2
Sporting Profiles - F.A. Cup Final Programme Covers ~ Set 3
Sporting Profiles - SP14-WCCP World Cup Posters
Sporting Profiles - West Ham United 1979-80 F.A. Cup Winners Programme Covers
Sportkings - Sportkings ~ 2009 Toronto Spring Expo
SportKings - SportKings ~ Series C ~ 2009 National Famous Fabrics
SportKings / Leaf Trading Cards - SportKings Vault (2015)
SportKings / Leaf Trading Cards - SportKings Vault (2015) (02)
SportKings / Leaf Trading Cards - SportKings Vault (2015) (03)
SportKings LP - SportKings - Series B
SportKings LP - SportKings - Series B (2 - Part I)
SportKings LP - SportKings - Series B (2 - Part II)
SportKings LP - Sportkings ~ Spectacular Patch cards
SportKings LP - SportKings ~ The National Sports Collectors Convention (2009)
SportKings LP - SportKings ~ The National Sports Collectors Convention (2010)
SportKings LP - SportKings Series A
SportKings LP - SportKings Series A (2)
SportKings LP - SportKings Series C
SportKings LP - SportKings Series C (2)
SportKings LP - SportKings Series D
SportKings LP - SportKings Series D (2)
SportKings LP - SportKings Series E
SportKings LP / In The Game - SportKings Series F
SportKings LP / In The Game - SportKings Series F (2)
SportKings LP / In The Game - SportKings Series F (3)
SportKings LP / In The Game - SportKings Series F (4)
SportKings LP / In The Game - SportKings Series F (5)
SportKings LP / In The Game - SportKings Series F (6)
SportKings LP / In The Game - SportKings Series F (7)
Sportrait - Sportrait s~ Players and Teams
Sportraits - Gateshead F.C. 
Sports Budget - Britain's 12 Greatest Goalies Art Plate
Sports Candy - F.C. Barcelona wrappers
Sports Direct - Win the Sporting Trip of a Lifetime! (Beer mats)
Sports Gazette - Footballers
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Footballers
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Footballers (2)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Footballers (3)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Footballers (4)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Footballers (5)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Footballers (6)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Footballers (7)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards (03-2015)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards (05-1999 ~ Nos. 793-801)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards (07-2005)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards (08-1992)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards (10-2005)
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards ~ 02-2004 ~ Nos. 343-351
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards ~ 03-2016 ~ Nos. 496-504
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards ~ 04-2016 ~ Nos. 505-513
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards ~ 05-2011 ~ Nos. 028-036
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards ~ 05-2016 ~ Nos. 514-522
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sports Cards ~ 11-2015/12-2015 ~ Nos. 469-486
Sports Media / MLSstarting11.com - MLS Starting 11
Sports Pictures - Sports Pictures Photo Album (Part I)
Sports Pictures - Sports Pictures Photo Album (Part II)
Sports Vue Interactive / Choice Sports Cards - 2004 United States Women's National Team ~ Olympic Gold Medal Winners
Sportspost - Soccer Swops (Luton Town Footballers)
Sportspost - Soccer Swops (Luton Town Footballers) (2)
Sporty magazine (Greece) - The Grand Final ~ Παιχνιδι Καρτεζ - Του Μεγαλου Τελικου
Spot the Winner and Associated Companies - Gold Medal Reserve ~ Spot the Winner
Spot the Winner and Associated Companies - Gold Medal Reserve ~ Spot the Winner (02)
SpVgg Greuther Fürth - SpVgg Greuther Fürth Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
SpVgg Greuther Fürth - SpVgg Greuther Fürth Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
Spvgg Unterhaching - SpVgg Unterhaching Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
SSV Ulm 1846 - SSV Ulm 1846 Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
St. Louis Steamers - St. Louis Steamers player photos (1982-83)
St. Petersburg Cigarettes Co. Ltd. - Footballers
St. Petersburg Cigarettes Co. Ltd. - Footballers (2)
St. Vincent & the Grenadines Postal Corporation - Mexico 86 (Postcards)
Staffordshire Sentinel - Stoke City Footballers
Stålmannen (Superman) comic - Idrottsstjärnor (Stars of Sport)
Star Files presents Man U magazine - Man U Sticker Collection (2001-02)
Star Publishing (Romania) - Euro 2000 European Football Championship
Stars Aquarius (Croatia) - Euro Stars 2012
Stars Aquarius (Croatia) - Euro Stars 2012 (2)
Stars Aquarius (Croatia) - Euro Stars 2012 (3)
Stars Aquarius (Croatia) - Stars 3x1 (48 x 68mm)
Stars Aquarius (Croatia) - Stars 3x1 (53 x 71mm)
Statmill - FA Cup '82-83 Wall Chart
Statmill - FA Cup '83-84 Wall Chart
Statmill - FA Cup '84-85 Wall Chart
Statmill - Up For The Cup 1986
Statmill - Up For The Cup 1986 (2)
Stephen Gulbis ~ TheFootballArtist - 20 World Cup Captains Classic Postcard Collection
Stephen Mitchell - Scottish Football Snaps
Stephen Mitchell - Scottish Football Snaps (02)
Stephen Mitchell - Scottish Footballers
Stephen Mitchell & Co. - A Gallery of 1934 / A Gallery of 1935
Stephen Mitchell & Co. - Humourous Drawings
Stephen Mitchell & Co. - Humourous Drawings; Ogden's Cigarettes - Boys Scouts ~ 5th Series
Stephen Mitchell & Son / Prize Crop Cigarettes - Sports
Stockhaus-Vertriebs GmbH - Fussball WM 74
Stoke City F.C. / Signal SmokeBusters - Stoke City F.C. 2003/04 Wallchart
Stoke City F.C. / Signal SmokeBusters - Stoke City F.C. 2004/05
Stoke City F.C. / Signal SmokeBusters - Stoke City F.C. 2004/05 (2)
Stoke City F.C. / Staffordshire Police / Britannia Building Society - S.C.F.C. Collect and Win Sticker Album 1998/1999 Season
Stoke Sentinel - Football Caricatures by Wilfrid Sheard
Stonyfield Organic - Boston Breakers (2010)
Storky Knight's Roy of the Rovers - Melchester Rovers Sticker Collection
Stuttgarter Kickers - Stuttgarter Kickers Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
Stylo Matchmakers International Ltd. - George Best Strikers Poster
Subbuteo - C160 Subbuteo Soccer Plotter
Subbuteo - C160 Subbuteo Soccer Plotter (2)
Sudpresse - Diables Rouges (Badges)
Sugar Puffs - Blow Football
Sugar Puffs / Quaker Oats - Footie Hero Revealers
Sunday Chronicle - SUN-120 Football Teams
Sunday Disptach - Sunday Disptach Sports Album ~ Football League Stars
Sunday Empire News - Our Pin-Up (drawn by Mickey Durling)
Sunday Empire News - SUN-180 Famous Footballers of Today by Micky Durling
Sunday Express - Play Soccer the Matthews Way
Sunday Mail (Anonymous) - SUN-240 / SURR-1-2 Scottish Footballers
Sunday Mail / Daily Record - Heroes of Scottish Football
Sunday Mail Junior Sports Club - SUN-250-1 / SURR-1-1A Scottish Footballers (B&W)
Sunday Mail Junior Sports Club - SUN-250-1 / SURR-1-1A Scottish Footballers (B&W) (2)
Sunday Mail Junior Sports Club - SUN-250-1 / SURR-1-1A Scottish Footballers (B&W) (3)
Sunday Mail Junior Sports Club - SUN-250-1 / SURR-1-1A Scottish Footballers (B&W) (4)
Sunday Mail Junior Sports Club - SUN-250-1 / SURR-1-1A Scottish Footballers (B&W) (5)
Sunday Mail Junior Sports Club - SUN-250-2 / SURR-1-1B Scottish Footballers (Colour)
Sunday Mail Junior Sports Club - SUN-250-2 / SURR-1-1B Scottish Footballers (Colour) (2)
Sunday Mirror - 1998-99 Premier League Ladder
Sunday Mirror - 1999-2000 Premier League Ladder
Sunday Post - Scottish Legends (Beer mats)
Sunderland F.C. - Red & White Sticker Collection
Sunderland F.C. / Sunderland Echo - Sunderland Footballers (programme inserts)
Sunderland F.C. programme (Red&White magazine) - Red&White ~ The Official SAFC 2002/03 Sticker Album
Sunlight - Sunlight Soccer
Sunset (Finland) - Sunset '94
Super Break - Super Break 2014 Super Deluxe Box Breaker Edition
Supermakt Prima / Huyghebaert (Belgium) - De Officiële Muntencollectie van het Belgisch Elftal
Supermarkt Real / Top Trumps - Welt Fussball Stars
Supermarkt Real / Top Trumps - Welt Fussball Stars (2) - Silver Foil
SuperReds magazine (1995) - Manchester United stickers
SuperReds magazine (April 1999) - Manchester United stickers
SuperReds magazine (June 1999) - Manchester United stickers
SuperReds magazine (March 1999) - Manchester United stickers
SuperReds magazine (October 1998) - Manchester United stickers
SuperReds magazine (September 1998) - Manchester United stickers
SuperReds Summer Special 1999 magazine - Manchester United stickers
SV Babelsberg 03 - SV Babelsberg 03 Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
SV Waldhof Mannheim - SV Waldhof Mannheim Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
SV Werder Bremen - SV Werder Bremen Autogrammkarten (1993-94)
SV Werder Bremen - SV Werder Bremen Autogrammkarten (1994-95)
SV Werder Bremen - SV Werder Bremen Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
Swansfootball.com - Swansea City F.C. A4 Caricatures
Sweetcube Candy Toys Ltd. - Tatto ~ National Flag Bubble Gum
Sweetule Products - SWE-140/SWA-7 Football Club Nicknames
Sweetule Products - SWE-140/SWA-7 Football Club Nicknames (2)
Sweetule Products - SWE-170a / SWA-37 International Footballers
Sweetule Products - SWE-320/SWA-16 Sports Quiz
Swettenham's Co-operative Institutions - SWE-560/SWE-1 Popular Stoke and Port Vale Football Players
Swizzles, Matlow - Soccer Shields
Syavo Poligrafkinga (Russia) - Звезды Мирового Футбола / Stars of World Football (Calendar Cards)
Symonds Cider ~ Scrumpy Jacks Old Hazy Cider - Hazy Recollections ~ Sporting Greats
Syster Gretas - Svenska Idrottsmän (1930)
T.W. Markham / Picnic Cigarettes - Views of Bridgewater
tacscollectibles - ACEO 1956 Series
Tactic (Finland) - Football Cards 1996
Taddy & Co. - (ZJ03-745) Sports & Pastimes Series 1
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1907)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1907) (2)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1907) (3)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1907) (3) - Manchester United
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1907) (4) - Chelsea
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1908)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1908) (02)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1908) (2)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1913)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1913) (2)
Taddy & Co. - Prominent Footballers (1913) (3)
Talent Show (Croatia) - Euforia 2016 (01)
Talent Show (Croatia) - Euforia 2016 (02) - Checklist
Talent Show (Croatia) - Euforia 2016 (03) - Illustrated Checklist
Talent Show (Croatia) - Euforia 2016 (03) - Packets
Tales from The South End - AFC Bournemouth Match Attax (2015-16)
Tampa Bay Rowdies - Tampa Bay Rowdies (2012)
Tap 'n' Play Technologies - Champions of Asia 2015 Celebration Cards
Tap 'n' Play Technologies - Champions of Asia 2015 Celebration Cards (02)
Tap 'n' Play Technologies - FFA & A-League Trading Cards 2015-2016
Tap 'n' Play Technologies - FFA & A-League Trading Cards 2015-2016 (02)
Tap 'n' Play Technologies - FFA & A-League Trading Cards 2015-2016 (03) - Winner!
Tap 'n' Play Technologies - FFA & A-League Trading Cards 2015-2016 (04)
Tap 'n' Play Technologies - Football Federation Australia Trading Cards (2014-15)
Taver-Matic - Il Calcio Italiano (1962-63)
TCMA / Memphis Americans - Memphis Americans (1981-82)
Team First Soccer Academy - Mia Hamm, Kristine Lilly, Tisha Venturini-Hoch
Teasdale & Co. Ltd. - Footballers In Action (Colour)
Teasdale & Co. Ltd. - TEA-100 / ZJ5-102-1 - Footballers
Teasdale & Co. Ltd. - TEA-110 / ZJ5-102-2 - Footballers In Action - Incidents In Play (as Gallaher G12-52)
Ted Baker, London - Ted's World XIII Alternative World Cup All Stars
Teens Vision / Nissho - Soccer Cards 2002
Teens Vision / Nissho - Soccer Cards 2002 (2)
Teens Vision / Nissho - Soccer Cards 2002 (3)
Teepe Sportverein - FC Bayern München Quartett 2014/2015
Tekma (Croatia) - Top Stars - France 2016
Tekma (Croatia) - Top Stars - France 2016 (02)
Tekma d.o.o. - Hajduk iz ljubavi, iz dišpeta 1911-2013
Tekma d.o.o. (Croatia) - Ajmo Rijeka (2014)
Tekma d.o.o. (Croatia) - Nema Predaje ~ Kolekcija Autogram Karti GNK Dinamo (2014)
Tekma d.o.o. (Croatia) - Nema Predaje ~ Kolekcija samoljepivih sličica GNK Dinamo
Tele-deportes / El Libero - Super Cards de la Champions League (2003)
Tele-depportes / El Libero - Super Cards de la Champions League (2004)
Television Gum - Football in Malta 1951-52
Telis Communications Group Inc. - Los Angeles Galaxy Calling Cards (2002)
Tennant's Lager - Scottish World Cup Squad 1974
Tennant's Lager - Scottish World Cup Squad 1974 (2)
Tennant's Lager - Scottish World Cup Squad 1978
Tennis Borussia Berlin / emzett - Tennis Borussia Berlin Autogrammkarten (1985-86)
Tesco - FIFA 15
Tesco (Hungary) - Cselezz a Lapokkal (World Cup 2014)
Texaco - England Squad 2006 Collection
Texaco - Famous Footballers (Coins)
Texaco - Soccer-Match (Cut and Match Players)
Texaco - Soccer-Match (Cut and Match Players) (2)
Texaco - Texaco Soccer Map
Texaco - Texaco Soccer Map (2)
Texaco - The F.A. Cup Winners Hall of Fame
The Bar / Super Products Inc. - Pelé (TB-PELE01)
The Bar / Super Products Inc. - Pelé / Diego Maradona (TB-PDM01)
The Beautiful Game - Football Greats
The Beautiful Game Ltd. - Football Greats ~ Sir Tom Finney
The Book of Football - England's New Internationals
The Book of Football - Scotland's New Internationals
The Book of Football - Some Famous Forwards
The Book of Football - Some Famous Goalkeepers / Some Famous Full-Backs
The Book of Football - Some Famous Half-Backs
The Book of Football - Some Famous Referees
The Boys' Friend - BOY-300/BPJ-2-2 Famous Footballers
The Boy's Own Paper - Our Football Leaders
The Boy's Own Paper - Our Football Leaders (2)
The Boy's Own Paper - Our Leading Footballers of 1888
The Card Cabinet (Sweden) - Allsvenskan 2003
The Card Cabinet (Sweden) - Allsvenskan 2004
The Champion magazine - 1934-35 League Ladders
The Champion magazine - 1938-39 League Ladders
The Connecticut Mint / Soccer Shots - Pele ~ The World Cup's Greatest Champion
The Cricket & Football Times, Bicycling and Athletics Journal - Sporting Personalities
The Daily Graphic - The Daily Graphic Football Album 1904-1905
The Daily Graphic - The Daily Graphic Football Album 1906-7
The Daily Graphic - The Daily Graphic Football Album 1906-7 (2)
The Daily Graphic - The Daily Graphic Football Album 1908-1909
The Daily Graphic - The Daily Graphic Football Album 1908-1909
The Daily Graphic - The Daily Graphic Football Album 1909-10
The Daily Graphic - The Daily Graphic Football Album 1909-10 (2)
The F.A. / N.S.P.C.C. - Goal ~ A better future for football (England players)
The Football Association - Passport to Portugal 2004
The Football Association - Passport to Portugal 2004 (2)
The Football Attic - 1913-14 League Ladder
The Football Attic - League of Blogs 2014
The Football Attic - League of Blogs 2014 (2)
The Football Trader / Nick Oldham - Legends of the Orient
The Footballer - Hall of Fame Collection ~ 1st Series
The Footballer - Hall of Fame Collection ~ 1st Series (2)
The Gem Library - GEM-030/GEM-1-3 Autographed Action Series
The Gem Library - GEM-040/GEM-1-2 Autographed Real Action Photo Series
The Gem Library - GEM-040/GEM-1-2 Autographed Real Action Photo Series (2)
The Gem Library - GEM-060/GEM-1-1 Special Action Photos
The Gem Library - GEM-070/GEM-6 The Gem Library Picture Album
"The Gem Library - The ""Gem"" Footer Puzzle"
The Gem Library - The Gem Library Illustrated Football Annual 1920-1921
The Golden Shop - Soccer Stars (2013-14)
The Golden Shop ~ Χρυσή Συλλογή (Greece) - Europe Champions 2013/14 ~ The Football Collection
The Golden Shop ~ Χρυσή Συλλογή (Greece) - Europe's Champions 2015-16
The Golden Shop ~ Χρυσή Συλλογή (Greece) - Europe's Champions 2015-16 (02)
The Golden Shop ~ Χρυσή Συλλογή (Greece) - Europe's Champions 2015-16 Metal Tag / Cards
The Golden Shop ~ Χρυσή Συλλογή (Greece) - Foot Ball Stars ~ Euro 2012
The Guardian - World Cup 2014 (Booklet)
The Guardian - World Cup Dream Team: Pick your all-time XI
The Guardian - World Cup Postcards (2006)
The Guardian - World Cup Top Chumps
The Handy Football Guide - Players of the Season
The Hornet - Gallery of Sport covers
The Irish Independent - 2014 World Cup Wall Chart
The Magnet - MAG-060 The Magnet Album of Test Match Cricketers
The Magnet - Magic Spectacles Photographic Supplements
The Magnet (Library) - Football Favourites! by J.T. Bolton
The Magnet Library - Famous Footer Clubs
The Magnet Library - Histories of Famous Football Clubs
The Magnet Library - MAG-030 Stand-Up Cricketers
The Magnet Library - MAG040-1/2 / MBH-2-1/2 Football Teams ~ 1st and 2nd Series
The Magnet Library - MAG040-1/2 / MBH-2-1/2 Football Teams ~ 1st and 2nd Series (2)
The Magnet Library - MAG-050/MBH-3 Real Photos of Famous Footballers
The Magnet Library - MAG-050/MBH-3 Real Photos of Famous Footballers (2)
The Mail on Sunday - Brazil Welcomes The World ~ World Cup 2014
The Mail on Sunday - The Greatest Tournament on Earth 2014 Giant Wallchart
The Million - Representative Football Clubs
The Nelson Lee Library - The Nelson Lee Souvenir Album of the Test Matches
The Observer - World Cup 2014 Wallchart
The Pink - Newcastle United FC Caricatures
The Pink - Newcastle United FC Caricatures (2)
"The Popular - POP-100 / POP-1.5 ""Pop"" Cards ~ Famous Footballers"
"The Popular - POP-100 / POP-1.5 ""Pop"" Cards ~ Famous Footballers (02)"
The Porcupine, Liverpool - Famous Footballers
The Press and Journal, Aberdeen - Jim Forrest
The Richards Collection - Soccer Stars of Yesteryear - Fifth Series
The Richards Collection - Soccer Stars of Yesteryear (First Series)
The Richards Collection - Soccer Stars of Yesteryear ~ Fourth Series
The Richards Collection - Soccer Stars of Yesteryear ~ Second Series
The Richards Collection - Soccer Stars of Yesteryear ~ Third Series
The Rover / D.C. Thomson - Britain's Football Clubs (1961-62)
The Rover / D.C. Thomson - Histories of Britain's Football Clubs (1953)
The Sketch - Miss Nettie Honeyball, Captain of the British Ladies' Football Club
The Sketch - Royal Scots, Winners of the Madras Presidency Association Football Tournament
"The Star - (STA-230/SSM-2) Footballers ~ ""The Star"" Sportsman's Diary"
The Star (Republic of Ireland) - Ireland Italy '90
The Star (Republic of Ireland) - Ireland USA '94
The Sun - Copa do Mundo Brasil 2014 ~ Dream Team Star Men / Brazil 2014 Sun World Cup Wallchart
The Sun - Football Encyclopædia & Soccerstamp Album 1971-72
The Sun - Football Encyclopædia & Soccerstamp Album 1971-72 (2)
The Sun - Football Encyclopædia & Soccerstamp Album 1971-72 (3) - Christmas stamps
The Sun - Premier League Stadiums
The Sun - Soccer Calendar Wall Chart
The Sun - Soccer Calendar Wall Chart (2)
The Sun - SUN-060-1/SUN-2-1 3D Gallery of Football Stars
The Sun - SUN-4-1 Soccercards
The Sun - SUN-4-1 Soccercards (02)
The Sun - SUN-4-1 Soccercards (03) - Alfie Conn
The Sun - World Cup 1970 Wallchart
The Sun - World Cup 1970 Wallchart (02)
The Sunday Post - SUN-310 The Sunday Post Football Album
The Times - Brazil 2014 World Cup Wall Chart
The Times - Wake up to the World Cup - Decorate your own Egg (2010)
The Wheeler Collection - Legends & Treasures (2015)
They Think It's All Over - Hancocks Heroes
THO-315 / THO-15 Footballers ~ Gilt borders
Thomson's Weekly News - Great Football Players
Thomson's Weekly News - Great Football Players (2)
Tiedemanns Tobak (Norway) - Football Teams (?)
Tiger and Jag - I'm a ---- Fan
Tiger comic - 1955-56 League Ladders
Tiger comic - 1955-56 League Ladders (2)
Tiger comic - 1958-59 League Ladders
Tiger comic - 1958-59 League Ladders (2)
Tiger comic - 1958-59 League Ladders (3)
Tiki Tiki magazine - 50 Cracks
Tiki Tiki magazine - 50 Cracks (2)
Tiki-Tiki magazine - Tiki Tops Goleadores
Time Out - Football Comes Home ~ Euro 96
TimeCel / Futera - Manchester United F.C. ~ The Treble 1999 ~ Commemorative Phone Card Collection ~ XL card
Tin Concepts Ltd / TCM Sports - FC Legend Cards ~ Arsenal FC ~ 2012/13
Tin Concepts Ltd / TCM Sports - FC Legend Cards ~ Arsenal FC ~ 2013/14
Tin Concepts Ltd / TCM Sports - FC Legend Cards ~ Chelsea FC ~ 2013/14
Tin Concepts Ltd / TCM Sports - FC Legend Cards ~ Liverpool FC ~ Season 2012/13
Tin Concepts Ltd / TCM Sports - FC Legend Cards ~ Manchester United FC ~ 2013/14
Tinghälls / Flamingo / Trick-Klubban - VM 1950
Tinghälls / Flamingo / Trick-Klubban - VM 1950 (02)
Tip Top Sales Company (Malta) - European Football Action Series A
Tip Top Sales Company (Malta) - European Football Action Series A (02)
Tip Top Sales Company (Malta) - European Football Action Series A (03)
Tobler Chocolate - Famous Footballers
Tobler Chocolate - Famous Footballers (2)
Tobler Chocolate - Famous Footballers (3)
Tobler Chocolate - Famous Footballers (4)
Tobler Chocolate - Famous Footballers (5)
Tobler Chocolate - Set 15: Summer Sports
Tobler Chocolate / Chocolat Tobler - Famous Footballers (6)
Tobler Chocolate / Chocolat Tobler - Famous Footballers (7)
Tobler Chocolate / Chocolat Tobler - Famous Footballers (8)
Tonibell - 1st Division Football League Club Badges
Tonibell - TNA-20 Junior Champs Supercards
Tonibell - TON-050-1/2 / TNA-16-1/2 Famous Sports Trophies
Tonibell - TON-070 This Changing World
Tonka (U.K.) Ltd. / Kenner - Sportstars
Tony Sheldon / Sport in View - Sport in View ~ The Sporting Art of Amos Ramsbottom ~ Set 1/7
Tony Sheldon Collectibles - Stalybridge Celtic ~ The Pride of Tameside 1996-97
Top League - Bury F.C. 
Top League - Bury F.C. (2)
Top League - Bury F.C. (3)
Top Sellers / Panini - (TNX-5) Football 73
Top Sellers / Panini - (TNX-6) Football 74
Top Sellers / Panini - (TNX-7) Football 75
Top Sellers / Panini - (TNX-9) Football 77
Top Sellers / Panini - TNX-12 ~ Superstars
Top Sellers / Panini - TNX-4 Football 72
Top Sellers / Panini - TNX-4 Football 72 (02)
Top Sellers / Panini - TNX-8 Football 76
Top Soccer - 100 Soccer Superstars
Top Soccer - Autograph Album
Top Soccer - Autograph Album (2)
Top Soccer - TV Football Wallchart
Top Sports (UAE) - UEFA Champions League (2013-14)
Top Sports (UAE) - UEFA Champions League (2013-14) (02)
Top Trumps - Arsenal F.C. 2014-15
Top Trumps - World Football Stars 2013/14
Top Trumps (Germany) - Internationale Fussballstars 5
Top Trumps (India) - Arsenal F.C. 2014-15
Top Trumps / Head & Shoulders / Goal.com - #Hart Rate Moment
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Megastars (Mini Top Trumps)
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars (2)
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars (3)
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars (4)
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars (5)
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars (6)
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars (7)
Top Trumps / Match! magazine - World Football Stars (8)
TopFlightCustoms (USA) - 2015 World Cup
Topical Times - 1500 Football Stars And All About Them / The Cup Tie Record Book / Who's Who of Britain's Famous Footballers
Topical Times - Cup-Tie Book / The Book of Sporting Records / The World's Greatest Fights
Topical Times - Football Followers Guide / TOA-7 The Sportsman's Diary of 1935
Topical Times - Football Stars of 1930
Topical Times - Football Stars of 1930 (2)
Topical Times - Footballers
Topical Times - Footballers (1919)
Topical Times - Footballers (2)
Topical Times - Footballers (3)
Topical Times - Footballers (4)
Topical Times - Histories of Famous Football Clubs
Topical Times - Histories of Famous Football Clubs (2)
Topical Times - Scottish League Team Groups
"Topical Times - The ""T.T."" Cup-Tie Book / Sporting Teasers Asked and Answered"
Topical Times - The Cup-Tie Book / The Sportsman's Almanac for 1936 / The Young Player's Who's Who
Topical Times - The New Who's Who of 2000 Football Stars
Topical Times - The T.T. Cup-Tie Book
Topical Times - The T.T. Cup-Tie Book (2)
Topical Times - TOA-8 The Star Teams Photo Album
Topical Times - TOP-060 Cricketers in Action
Topical Times - TOP-070/TOA-2 Famous Football Teams (metal)
Topical Times - TOP-070/TOA-2 Famous Football Teams (metal) (2)
Topical Times - TOP-090/ZB7-11 Football Teams
Topical Times - TOP-100/ZB7-12a - Footballers (pairs)
Topical Times - TOP-100/ZB7-12a - Footballers (pairs) (2)
Topical Times - TOP-110/TOA-13 Footballers
Topical Times - TOP-110/TOA-13 Footballers (2)
Topical Times - TOP-130-1/TOA-12-1 Footballers ~ Coloured; English & Scottish
Topical Times - TOP-140-1/TOA-14-1 Footballers ~ Large ~ Colour
Topical Times - TOP-140-1/TOA-14-1 Footballers ~ Large ~ Colour (2)
Topical Times - TOP-140-2 / TOA-14-2 ~ Scottish Footballers
Topical Times - TOP-160-1&2/TOA-15-1a&2a Footballers - Triple Portraits
Topical Times - TOP-160-1&2/TOA-15-1a&2a Footballers - Triple Portraits (2)
Topical Times - TOP-170-1/TOA-17-1-36 - Miniature Panel Portraits of Football Stars
Topical Times - TOP-170-2/TOA-17-2-36 Miniature Panel Portraits of Football Stars ~ Scottish
Topical Times - TOP-170-3/TOA-17-1-38 Stars of To-Day (Miniature Panel Portraits)
Topical Times - TOP-170-3/TOA-17-1-38 Stars of To-Day (Miniature Panel Portraits) (2)
Topical Times - TOP-170-3/TOA-17-1-38 Stars of To-Day (Miniature Panel Portraits) (3)
Topical Times - TOP-170-4/TOA-17-2-38 Stars of To-Day (Miniature Panel Portraits) Scottish
Topical Times - TOP-180-1/TOA-18-1 Great Players ~ Close-Ups of the Stars
Topical Times - TOP-180-1/TOA-18-1 Great Players ~ Close-Ups of the Stars (2)
Topical Times - TOP-180-2/TOA-18-2 Great Players ~ Close ups of the Stars ~ Scottish
Topical Times - TOP-200-1a-b-c / TOA-16-1-32 - Footballers - Large (B&W) - caption at centre
Topical Times - TOP-200-2a/TOA-16-3-33 - Footballers - Large (B&W) - caption at left
Topical Times - TOP-200-2b/TOA-16-4-a - Footballers - Large (B&W) - Scottish
Topical Times - TOP-200-3a/TOA-16-3-34 - Footballers - Large (B&W) - caption at left
Topical Times - TOP-200-3a/TOA-16-3-34 - Footballers - Large (B&W) - caption at left (2)
Topical Times - TOP-200-3b/TOA-16-4-b - Footballers - Large (B&W) - Scottish
Topical Times - TOP-200-4a/TOA-16-1-38 Footballers ~ Large (B&W) (caption at centre)
Topical Times - TOP-200-4b/TOA-16-2-38 Footballers ~ Large (B&W) Scottish (caption at centre)
Topical Times - TOP-200-5a/TOA-16-3-39 Footballers ~ Large (B&W) caption at left
Topical Times - TOP-200-5b/TOA-16-4-c - Footballers - Large (B&W) - Scottish
Topical Times - TOP-200-6/TOA-16-4-a - Footballers - Large (B&W) - Irish
Topical Times - Topical Times Football Annual 1925-1926
Topical Times - Topical Times Football Annual 1931-32
Topical Times - Topical Times Sporting Annual 1937-38 ~ Leading Teams of 1936-37
Topical Times - Topical Times Sporting Annual 1938-39 ~ Leading Teams of 1937-38
Topps - #LegenD ~ Landon Donovan
Topps - (R714-27) Magic Photos ~ General Sports ~ Series T
Topps - 1974 Topps Football (NFL)
Topps - 1977 Topps Footbal
Topps - 1981 Topps Football (NFL)
Topps - 1981 Topps Football (NFL) (2)
Topps - 2012 Topps USA Olympic Team & Olympic Hopefuls
Topps - 2013 Allen & Ginter's Baseball
Topps - 2013 Allen & Ginter's Baseball (2)
Topps - 2013 Allen & Ginter's Baseball (3)
Topps - 2013 Allen & Ginter's Baseball (4)
Topps - 2013 Allen & Ginter's Baseball (5)
Topps - 2013 Allen & Ginter's Baseball (6)
Topps - 2013 Allen & Ginter's Baseball (7)
Topps - 2013 MLS
Topps - 2013 MLS
Topps - 2013 MLS (10)
Topps - 2013 MLS (11)
Topps - 2013 MLS (12)
Topps - 2013 MLS (13)
Topps - 2013 MLS (14)
Topps - 2013 MLS (15) - Extra Time Redemption
Topps - 2013 MLS (16) - Purple Parallels
Topps - 2013 MLS (2)
Topps - 2013 MLS (3)
Topps - 2013 MLS (4)
Topps - 2013 MLS (5)
Topps - 2013 MLS (6)
Topps - 2013 MLS (7)
Topps - 2013 MLS (8)
Topps - 2013 MLS (9)
Topps - 2013 Triple Threads Baseball - Autographed Relics
Topps - 2013 Triple Threads Baseball - Autographed Relics (2)
Topps - 2013 Triple Threads Baseball - Autographed Relics (3)
Topps - 2013 Triple Threads Baseball - Autographed Relics (4)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (10)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (11)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (11) - Signatures
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (12)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (13)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (14)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (15)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (2)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (3)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (4)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (5)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (6)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (7)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (8)
Topps - 2013-14 Topps Premier Gold (9)
Topps - 2014 Allen & Ginter Baseball
Topps - 2014 MLS
Topps - 2014 MLS (10)
Topps - 2014 MLS (11)
Topps - 2014 MLS (2)
Topps - 2014 MLS (3)
Topps - 2014 MLS (3)
Topps - 2014 MLS (4)
Topps - 2014 MLS (5)
Topps - 2014 MLS (6)
Topps - 2014 MLS (7)
Topps - 2014 MLS (7)
Topps - 2014 MLS (8)
Topps - 2014 MLS (9)
Topps - 2014 MLS All-Star Game
Topps - 2014 Premier League Official Sticker Collection
Topps - 2014 Premier League Official Sticker Collection (2)
Topps - 2014 Premier League Official Sticker Collection (3) - Brazilian Exclusives
Topps - 2014 Premier League Official Sticker Collection ~ Brazilian version
Topps - 2014 Premier League Official Sticker Collection Pro 11 Competition
Topps - 2014 Premier League Official Sticker Collection Pro 11 Competition (2)
Topps - 2014 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection
Topps - 2014 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (2)
Topps - 2014 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (3)
Topps - 2014 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (4)
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (02)
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (03) Mexican National Team
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (04) One-Two Die-Cuts
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (05) MLS 1976-77 Topps Footballers Mini
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (06) Autographs (I)
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (07) Autographs (II)
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (08) Non Autos
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (09) In-Form Die-Cuts
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (10) One-Two Die-Cuts Autographs
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (11) MLS 1976-77 Topps Footballers Mini Autographs
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (12) In-Form Die-Cuts Autographs
Topps - 2014 Topps MLS Chrome (13) Packet odds
Topps - 2015 Allen & Ginter Baseball 10th Anniversary Issue
Topps - 2015 Allen & Ginter Baseball 10th Anniversary Issue (02)
Topps - 2015 MLS (01)
Topps - 2015 MLS (02)
Topps - 2015 MLS (03)
Topps - 2015 MLS (04) - Checklist
Topps - 2015 MLS (05) - Admired Alumni
Topps - 2015 MLS (06) - Rookies
Topps - 2015 MLS (07) - Gameday Heritage
Topps - 2015 MLS (08) - MLS Minis Sketch Cards
Topps - 2015 MLS (09) - Presence of the Pitch
Topps - 2015 MLS (10) - MLS All Star Variations
Topps - 2015 MLS (11) - MLS Personalities
Topps - 2015 MLS (12) - Autographed Relics
Topps - 2015 MLS (13) - Presence of the Pitch Autographs
"Topps - 2015 MLS (14) - 5"" x 7"" Team Sets"
"Topps - 2015 MLS (15) - 10"" x 14"" Posters"
Topps - 2015 Premier League Official Sticker Collection (01)
Topps - 2015 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (01)
Topps - 2015 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (02)
Topps - 2015 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (03)
Topps - 2015 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (06)
Topps - 2015 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS)
Topps - 2015 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS) (02)
Topps - 2015 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS) (03) - Checklist
Topps - 2015 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS) (04)
Topps - 2015 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS) (05) Topps Kick Redemption cards
"Topps - 2015 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS) (06) - 5"" x 7"" / 10"" x 14"""
Topps - 2015 Topps Series 1 Baseball ~ First Pitch
Topps - 2015 Topps Series 1 Baseball ~ First Pitch (02)
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (02)
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (02) - Checklist
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (03) - The Road to Victory
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (04) - Decorated and Dignified Autographs
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (05) - Best of the Best
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (06) - Decorated and Dignified
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (07) - Blue
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (08) - Champions League Autographs
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (09) - Champions Pedigree
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (10) - Champions Pedigree error card
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (11) - Champions Pairings Autographs
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (12) - Prized Collection Autographs
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (13) - Champions Pedigree Autographs
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (14) - Base set
Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (15) - Blank back 1/1
"Topps - 2015-16 Topps UEFA Champions League Showcase Soccer (16) - 5"" x 7"""
Topps - 2016 Hawaii Industry Summit Autographs
Topps - 2016 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS)
Topps - 2016 Topps Apex Soccer (MLS) (02)
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (01)
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (02) Sell Sheets
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (03) - Jerseys
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (04) - Checklist
"Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (05) - 5"" x 7"""
"Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (06) - 10"" x 14"""
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (07) - Photo Variations
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (08) - Rooted Rivalries
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (09) - MLS All-Stars
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (10) - Admired Alumni Autographs
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (11) - Presence of the Pitch
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (12) - Team Cards
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (13) - Jumbo Relics
Topps - 2016 Topps Major League Soccer (14) - Team sets
Topps - 2016 Topps Series 1 Baseball ~ First Pitch
Topps - Afghan Premier League
Topps - Afghan Premier League (2)
Topps - Allen & Ginter X
Topps - Bundesliga Chrome 2013-14 (4) Trikotkarten Bilderrahmen Kollektion
Topps - Chipz de Foot
Topps - England 2005
Topps - England 2014 - Official England World Cup Sticker Collection
Topps - England 2014 - Official England World Cup Sticker Collection (2)
Topps - England Official Digital Collection
Topps - Five Star Baseball Cards
Topps - Five Star Baseball Cards (2)
Topps - Footballers ~ Stadium Club (1991-92)
Topps - Footballers ~ Stadium Club (1991-92) (2) Collectors' Corner
Topps - Match Attax (back designs)
Topps - Match Attax ~ 2009 World Championship
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (2)
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (3) Limited Editions
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (4) - Michael Ballack Autograph
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (5) Star Players 
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (6) Man of the Match
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (7) Hundred Club
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (8) Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax ~ England 2010 / England 2010 ~ International Legends / World Stars 2010 (9) Mexico base 
Topps - Match Attax ~ Master cards
Topps - Match Attax ~ Tournament cards
Topps - Match Attax ~ World Championship Tournament cards (2)
Topps - Match Attax ~ World Championship Tournament cards (3)
Topps - Match Attax ~ World Stars ~ Micro Figures
Topps - Match Attax ~ World Stars ~ Micro Figures (2) - Mini Cards
Topps - Match Attax 2007-08 (01)
Topps - Match Attax 2007-08 (02) - Andriy Voronin
Topps - Match Attax 2007-08 (03) - Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax 2008-09 (01)
Topps - Match Attax 2008-09 (02) - Cesc Fabregas
Topps - Match Attax 2009-10 (01) - Limited Editions
Topps - Match Attax 2009-10 (02) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax 2009-10 (03) - Error card ~ Robinho
Topps - Match Attax 2009-10 (04) - Error card ~ Mohamed Diame
Topps - Match Attax 2009-10 (05) - Error card ~ Kolo Toure
Topps - Match Attax 2009-10 (06) - Error card ~ Antonio Amaya
Topps - Match Attax 2010-11 (01) - Limited Editions
Topps - Match Attax 2010-11 (02) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax 2011/2012 (01)
Topps - Match Attax 2011/2012 (6) Golden Moments
Topps - Match Attax 2011-12 Russian Edition ~ Русская версия
Topps - Match Attax 2012/13 (01) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax 2012/13 (02) - Card Sheets
Topps - Match Attax 2012/13 (03) - Error card ~ 291
Topps - Match Attax 2012/13 (04) - Error card ~ 257
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (10)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (11)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (12)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (13)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (14)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (15)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (16)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (19)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (2)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (20)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (22)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (23)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (24)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (25)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (26) Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (27) Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (3)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (4)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (5)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (6)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (7)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (8)
Topps - Match Attax 2013/14 (9)
Topps - Match Attax 2014/15 (01)
Topps - Match Attax 2014/15 (02)
Topps - Match Attax 2014/15 (03)
Topps - Match Attax 2014/15 (04) Preview set
Topps - Match Attax 2014/15 (05) Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax 2014/15 (06)
Topps - Match Attax 2014/15 (08) Limited Edition (02)
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (07) Checklist
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (08) Variations
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (09) Hundred Club
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (10) Duo
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (11) Record Breakers
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (12) Club Badges
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (13) Topps Pro 11
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (13) Topps Pro 11 (2)
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (14) Olivier Giroud
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (15) Scandinavian Record Breakers
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (16) Alexis Sanchez Gold Error Card
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (17) Olivier Giroud
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (18)
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 (19) - Regional Heat / Regional Finalist
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 / Match Attax Extra 2014-15 ~ Jores Okore
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 ~ India
Topps - Match Attax 2014-15 ~ Indonesia
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (01)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (02)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (03)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (04)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (05) - Preview Packs
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (06) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (07) - Error cards
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (08) - Cult Heroes
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (09) - Tactics
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (10) - 100 Club
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (11) - Club Badges
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (12) - Duo
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (13) - Away Kit
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (14) - Star Player
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (15) - The Sun Card Sheets
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (16) - Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (17) - Pro 11
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (18) - Error cards (02)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (19) - Master card
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (20) - Collector Guide
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (21) - Match Attax Live
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (22) - Match Attax Live - Nordic Edition
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (23) - Gold Icon - All Rounder
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (24) - Gold Icon - Clean Sheet
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (25) - Gold Icon - Super Striker
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (26) - Gold Icon - Tough Tackler
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (27) - Play Pitch
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (28) - Captain
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (29) - Match Attax Live
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (30) - Error card ~ LE4
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (31) - Error card ~ 370
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (32) - Flip Chip
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (33) - Error card ~ LE2
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (34) - Mail on Sunday 6-Card Sheet
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (35) - Man of the Match
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (36) - Gary Cahill
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (37) - Nos. 001-360 (01)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (37) - Nos. 001-360 (02)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (38) - Error card ~ 464
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (39) - Error card ~ 405
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (40) - Sadio Mane (Midfield Duo)
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (41) - Error card ~ 288
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (42) - Error card ~ 376
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (43) - Nordic Edition
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (44) - John Stones
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (45) - James Milner
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (46) - Error card ~ 364
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (47) - Error card ~ 379, 380, 390
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (47) - Error card ~ 463
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (48) - Error card ~ 400, 401, 402
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (49) - Error card ~ 367, 372, 413
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (50) - Error card ~ 013
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (51) - Error card ~ 410
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (52) - Packets
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (53) - Error card ~ 462
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (54) - Error card ~ 385, 388, 409
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (55) - John Stones A3
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (56) - Error card ~ 383
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (57) - Regional Championships
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (58) - Error card ~ Russell Martin
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (59) - Error card ~ 366
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (60) - 100 Club - Jamie Vardy
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (61) - Error card - 464
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 (62) - Jamie Vardy Mutlipack
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 ~ India
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 ~ India (02) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 ~ India (03) - Illustrated Checklist
Topps - Match Attax 2015-16 ~ India (04)
Topps - Match Attax 2016/17 (01)
Topps - Match Attax Championship Edition 2012/2013
Topps - Match Attax Championship Edition 2012/2013 (02)
Topps - Match Attax England 2012 (01) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax England 2012 (2) Autographed Limited Editions
Topps - Match Attax England 2012 (3) 100 - Gianluigi Buffon
Topps - Match Attax England 2014
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (10) Autograph Redemption cards (4)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (11) Autograph Redemption cards (5)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (12) Autograph Redemption cards (6)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (13) - World Cup Trophy, Fuleco
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (2)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (3)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (4)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (5) Autograph Redemption cards
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (6)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (7) Autograph Redemption cards (2)
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (8) Good Luck England!
Topps - Match Attax England 2014 (9) Autograph Redemption cards (3)
Topps - Match Attax Euro Stars 2012
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2007-08 (01)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2007-08 (02) - Master card
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2007-08 (03) - Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2008-09 (01)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2009-10
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2009-10 (02) - Limited Editions
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2010/2011 (01) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2011-12
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2012-13
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2013/14 (6)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2013-14
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2013-14
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2013-14 (2)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2013-14 (5)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2014/15 (01)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2014/15 (02)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2014-15 (01)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2014-15 (02)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2014-15 (03) - Duo
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2014-15 (04) - Limited Editions
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2014-15 (05) - Error card ~ LE3
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (01)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (02) - First Pictures
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (03)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (04)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (05)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (06)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (07)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (08)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (09)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (10)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (11)
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (12) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (13) - Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (14) - Magic Moments
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (15) - Manager
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (16) - Hat-Trick Hero
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (17) - New Signing
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (18) - Update Card
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (19) - Man of the Match
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (20) - Rising Star
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (21) - Squad Updates
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (22) - Match Attax Live / Club Together
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (23) - Stars of the Season
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (24) - Packets
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (25) - Error card ~ MA1
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (26) - Error card ~ MA10
Topps - Match Attax Extra 2015-16 (27) - Error card ~ MA17
Topps - Match Attax Ireland 2012
Topps - Match Attax Scottish Premier League 2012/2013
Topps - Match Attax Scottish Premier League 2012-13
Topps - Match Attax Scottish Premiership 2013/2014
Topps - Match Attax Scottish Premiership 2013-2014
Topps - Match Attax SPFL 2014/2015 (01)
Topps - Match Attax SPFL 2014/2015 (02) Checklist
Topps - Match Attax SPFL 2014/2015 (03) Limited Edition
Topps - Match Attax SPFL 2014/2015 (04)
Topps - Match Attax SPFL 2015/2016
Topps - Match Attax SPFL 2015/2016 (02) - Checklist
Topps - Match Attax SPFL 2015/2016 (03) - Limited Editions
Topps - Match Attax World Cup 2006
Topps - Match Attax World Stars
Topps - Match Attax World Stars (2)
Topps - Match Attax World Stars (3)
Topps - Match Attax/Match Attax Extra ~ Trophy cards
Topps - Match Attax/Match Attax Extra ~ Trophy cards (2)
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2015 Official Sticker Collection (03)
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2015 Official Sticker Collection (04)
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2015 Official Sticker Collection (05)
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2015 Official Sticker Collection (06)
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2016 Official Sticker Collection (01)
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2016 Official Sticker Collection (02) - Checklist
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2016 Official Sticker Collection (03) - Arsenal v Leicester City
Topps - Merlin's Premier League 2016 Official Sticker Collection (04)
Topps - MLS Poster Jersey Week Edition
Topps - nPower Championship Match Attax 2011/2012
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (01)
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (02)
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (03) - Checklist
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (04) - Captain
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (05) - Superstar
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (06) - Star Striker
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (07) - Future Star
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (08) - Match Worn / Player Worn Shirt
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (09) - Player/Match Worn Shirt
Topps - Premier Club 2015-2016 (10) - Signatures
Topps - Premier Gold 2014
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (05) Premier Autographs
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (06) Football Fibres Relics - Match-Used Memorabilia
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (07) Captains
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (08) Dynamic Duos
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (09) Autographed Relics
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (10) Crowning Achievements Die-Cut Autographs
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (11) New Signings
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (12) Future Stars
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (13) Checklist
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (14)
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (15)
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (16) Blank-backed 1/1
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (17) Dennis Bergkamp
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (17) Error card
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (17) Error card (02)
"Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (18) - Oversized 5"" x 7"" cards"
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (2)
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (3)
Topps - Premier Gold 2014 (4)
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (01)
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (02)
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (03) - Checklist
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (04)
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (05) - All-Time Accolades
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (06) - Football Fibers Relics
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (07) - New Signings
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (08) - Best of Barclays Premier League
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (09) - Golden Boot Die-Cut Autographs
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (10) - Dynamic Duo Relics
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (11) - Premier Autographs
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (12) - Premier Jumbo Autograph Relics
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (13) - Pure Class Dual Autograph Book Cards
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (14) - Kick Pack Redemption Cards
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (15) - Base set
"Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (16) - 5"" x 7"""
Topps - Premier Gold 2015 (17) - Golden Boot Die-Cut Autographs - Black #/25
Topps - Premier League 2014 Official Sticker Collection
Topps - Premier League 2015 Official Sticker Collection (02)
Topps - Saint & Greavsie
Topps - Saint & Greavsie All Star Football Collection
Topps - Spotlights (Arsenal F.C. / Liverpool F.C. / Manchester United F.C. / Tottenham Hotspur F.C.)
Topps - Spotlights (Internationals)
Topps - Steven Gerrard (1998-99 - 2014-15)
Topps - The Official Barclays Premier League Sticker Activity Album 2014-2015
Topps - The Official Barclays Premier League Sticker Activity Album 2014-2015 (2)
Topps - Tier One (Baseball)
Topps - TOH-10 Football Posters
Topps - TOH-21-1 England World Cup Supersquad / TOH-21-2 Scotland World Cup Supersquad
Topps - TOH-5-1-1 Footballers ~ Red Back ~ Series 1/2/3
Topps - TOH-5-1-1/2/3 Footballers ~ Red Back ~ Series 1/2/3 (02)
Topps - TOH-8 Footballers - Pink Back - Triple cards
Topps - TOH-9 Footballers ~ Blue Backs (1981-82)
Topps - Topps 2014 Las Vegas Industry Summit
Topps - Topps 2014 Las Vegas Industry Summit (02)
Topps - Topps Archives (Baseball)
Topps - Topps Authentics ~ Premier Gold 2010-11
Topps - Topps Authentics ~ Premier Gold Season 2010-2011 Boxed Set
Topps - Topps KICK - Barclays Premier League Digital Football Trading Card Game
Topps - Topps KICK - Barclays Premier League Digital Football Trading Card Game (2)
Topps - Topps KICK - Barclays Premier League Digital Football Trading Card Game (3)
Topps - Topps Kick ~ Legends (2013-14)
Topps - Topps Kick ~ New Year 2016
Topps - Topps Kick ~ Premier League Internationals
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (02)
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (03) Autographs
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (04)
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (05) Checklist
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (06) Club Badges
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (07) Superstars
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (08) Future Stars
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (09) International Stars
Topps - Topps Premier Club 2015 (10) Autograph cards
Topps - Topps Premier Gold 2001
Topps - Topps Premier Gold 2003
Topps - Topps Premier Stars (2004-05)
Topps - Topps Premier Stars (2004-05) (02) - Japanese version
Topps - Topps Print Me
Topps - Topps Total Football - Official 2009 Premier League Sticker Collection
Topps - Topps Total Football - Official 2009 Premier League Sticker Collection (2)
Topps - Topps Total Football - Official 2009 Premier League Sticker Collection (3) - Authentic Autographs
Topps - Turbo Attax ~ BBC Top Gear Turbo Challenge Trading Card Game
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (01)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (02)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (03)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (04)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (05)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (06) - Limited Edition
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (07) - 100 Club
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (08) - Checklist
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (09) - Man of the Match
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (10) - Pro 11
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (11) - Nordic Edition Checklist
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (12) - Logo and Trophy
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (13) - Match Attax Live
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (14) - Nos. 001-468
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (15) - Nordic Exclusives
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (16) - Polish Edition / Polska Edycja
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (17) - Match Attax Live (02)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (18) - Spanish Edition / Español Edición
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (19) - Italian Edition / Edizione Italiana
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (20) - German Edition / Deutsch Auflage
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (21) - French Edition / Édition Française
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (22) - Portuguese Edition / Edição Português
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (23) - Tins
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (24) - Error card ~ 486
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (25) - Champions League Trophy
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (26) - Packets
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (27) - 6-card sheets
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (27) - 6-card sheets (02)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (27) - 6-card sheets (03)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (27) - 6-card sheets (04)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (27) - 6-card sheets (05)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (28) - Packets - Nordic Edition
Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2016/17 (01)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Official Sticker Collection 2015/16 (01) - Checklist
Topps - UEFA Champions League Official Sticker Collection 2015/16 (02)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Official Sticker Collection 2015/16 (03)
Topps - UEFA Champions League Official Sticker Collection 2015/16 (04) - Pages
Topps - UEFA Champions League Official Sticker Collection 2015/16 (05) - Albums
Topps - UEFA Champions League Official Sticker Collection 2015/16 (06) - Packets
Topps - UEFA Champions League Official Sticker Collection 2015/16 (07) - Online album
Topps - World Cup 1982
Topps - World Cup 1982 (02) George Best
Topps - World Cup 1982 (03) Martin O'Neill
Topps - World Cup 1982 (04) Cerezo
Topps - World Cup 1982 (05) Gordon Strachan
Topps - World Cup 1982 (06) Daniel Passarella
Topps - World Cup 1982 (07) Juan Oblitas
Topps - World Cup 1982 (08) Roger Milla
Topps - World Cup 1982 (09) Bruno Pezzey
Topps - World Cup 1982 (10) Zico
Topps - World Cup 1982 (11) Socrates
Topps - World Cup 1982 (12) Roberto Bettega
Topps - World Cup 1982 (13) Zbigniew Boniek
Topps - World Cup 1982 (14) Kenny Dalglish
Topps - World Cup 1982 (15) John Robertson
Topps - World Cup 1982 (16) Dino Zoff
Topps - World Cup 1982 (17) Luis Arconada
Topps - World Cup 1982 (18) Carlos Caszely
Topps - World Cup 1982 (19) Terry McDermott
Topps - World Cup 1982 (20) Jesus Zamora
Topps - World Cup 1982 (21) Andras Torocsik
Topps - World Cup 1982 (22) Osvaldo Ardiles
Topps - World Cup 1982 (23) Max Bossis
Topps - World Cup 1982 (24) Jan Ceulemans
Topps - World Cup 1982 (25) Didier Six
Topps - World Cup 1982 (26) Laszlo Fazekas
Topps - World Cup 1982 (27) Kurt Jara
Topps - World Cup 1982 (28) Quini
Topps - World Cup 1982 (29) Herbert Prohaska
Topps - World Cup 1982 (30) Wilfried Van Moer
Topps - World Cup 1982 (31) John Wark
Topps (China) - Match Attax 2013/14
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome (2)
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2013-14 (3)
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015 (02)
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015 (03)
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (01)
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (02)
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (03) - Checklist
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (04) - Paper Inserts
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (05)
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (05) - Limited Editions
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (05) - Trikot-Karte Framed Edition
Topps (Germany) - Bundesliga Chrome 2015-2016 (06) - Packets
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2009/2010
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2010-2011
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2014-2015 (01)
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2014-2015 Kick Off-Kollektion (01)
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2014-2015 Kick Off-Kollektion (02)
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2015-2016 (01)
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2015-2016 (02) - Checklist
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2015-2016 (03) - Topps Sports magazine
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga 2015-2016 (04) - Packets
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga Offizielle Sticker Sammlung 2012/2013
Topps (Germany) - Fussball Bundesliga Offizielle Sticker Sammlung 2013/2014
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2008/2009
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2008/2009 (02) - Errors/Varieties
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2009/10
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2010/2011
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2010/2011 (02) - Limitierte Auflage
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2011/2012
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2012-2013
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2013-2014
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2013-2014 (2) - Error card - 006
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (01) Limited Edition / Limitierte Auflage 
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (02) Checklist
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (03) Kapitän
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (04) Club-Einhundert
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (05) Hattrick-Held
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (06) Club-Einhundert Memorabilia
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (07) Trikots 2014/2015
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2014-2015 (08) Duo
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (01) - Clubkarte
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (02) - Limited Edition Checklist
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (03) - Club Einhundert
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (04) - Viererketten / Offensiv-Trio
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (05) - Checklist
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (06) - Club-Einhundert
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (06) - Topps Kick
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (07) - Limitierte Auflage
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (08) - Hattrick-Held
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (09) - Offensiv-Trio / Viererkeitte
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (10) - Clubkarte
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (11) - Auswärtstrikot
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (12) - Tactik-Karte
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (13) - Matchwinner
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (14) - Schnellstes Bundesliga-Tor
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (15) - 2.Bundesliga
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (16) - Nos. 001-324 (01)
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Bundesliga 2015-2016 (16) - Nos. 001-324 (02)
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2011/2012
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2012-2013 (02) - Checklist
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2012-2013 ~ Legende ~ Wetvollster Spieler
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2013-14
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2014-15 (01)
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2014-15 (02)
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (01) - Checklist
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (02) - Limitierte Auflage / Limited Edition
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (03) - Hattrick-Held
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (04) - Matchwinner / Club-Einhundert
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (05) - Früher & Heute
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (06) - Offensiv-Trio / Viererkette
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (07) - Auswärtstrikot
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (08) - Kapitän
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Extra Bundesliga 2015-2016 (09) - Base cards
Topps (Germany) - Match Attax Spezial Bundesliga 2010/2011
Topps (India) - Match Attax 2012/13
Topps (India) - Match Attax 2012/13 (2)
Topps (India) - Match Attax 2013/14
Topps (India) - Match Attax 2015-16 Football Champions (Kurkure Puffcorn)
Topps (Mexico) - Match Attax ~ Estrelles Mundiales ~ Edición Mexicana
Topps (Russia) - Match Attax 2013/14
Topps (Russia) - Match Attax 2013/14 (2)
Topps (Russia) - Match Attax 2014-15 ~ Russian Edition
Topps (USA) - 1980 Topps Football
Topps (USA) - NASL Soccer Stickers ~ Team Logos
Topps (USA) - NASL Soccer Stickers ~ Team Logos (02)
Topps (USA) - Thirst Break Sports Facts
Topps (USA) - Trivia Battle (1984)
Topps / Allen & Ginter - Guys in Hats
Topps / Character Building - Sports*starS Football Micro Figures ~ FC Barcelona
Topps / Character Building - Sports*starS Football Micro Figures ~ Series 2
Topps / Coffer - Football Club Badges
Topps / D.C. Thomson ~ Victor - Footballers
Topps / Daily Record - 2015 Scottish Professional Football League Official Sticker Collection (05)
Topps / Howler magazine - 2015 MLS All-Stars
Topps / Match of the Day Dream Team Special! magazine - Match Attax Extra 2014-15 (03)
Topps / Merlin - 2004-05 Kick Off Season 2004/05 Pocket Collection (03) - Nestlé Smarties Premier League Stars
Topps / Merlin - F.A. Premier League Superstars (1999-2000)
Topps / Merlin - Kick Off Season 2004-05 Pocket Collection (01)
Topps / Merlin - Kick Off Season 2004-05 Pocket Collection (02)
Topps / NBC Sports - NBCSN Premier League Team
Topps / Poca (Vietnam) - Match Attax 2010-11
Topps / Poca (Vietnam) - Match Attax 2011-12
Topps / Poca (Vietnam) - Match Attax 2012-13
Topps / Poca (Vietnam) - Match Attax 2013-14
Topps / Poca (Vietnam) - Match Attax 2013-14 (2)
Topps / The Sun - Match Attax 2014-15 (1)
Topps / The Sun - Match Attax 2014-15 (2) International Masters
Topps / The Sun - Match Attax 2014-15 (3)
Topps / The Sun - Match Attax Extra 2013-14 (3)
Topps / The Sun - Match Attax Extra 2013-14 (4)
Topps / Victoria Gallery - Atlanticard 92
Topps Argentina - Match Attax 2012-13
Topps Argentina - Match Attax 2012-13 (2)
Topps Bubble Gum / Nestle Cereal - F.A. Premier League Mini Cards (2001-02)
Topps India - Indian Premier League
Topps India - Match Attax 2011/2012
Topps India - Match Attax 2011/2012 (2)
Topps India - Match Attax 2011/2012 (3)
Topps India - Match Attax 2011/2012 (4)
Topps India - Match Attax 2011/2012 (5)
Topps Kick - Topps 11 ~ Barclays Premier League Matchweek 31
Topps Russia - Match Attax 2010-2011
Toronto Falcons - Toronto Falcons Player Photos (1968)
Tottenham Hotspur F.C. - Spurs Super Star Special (30p Jackpot Lottery) (Album: Spurs Collect-a-Card)
Touchline Promotions - Soccer Swingers
Tower Press Transfers - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st/2nd Series
tradingcards1966 - Germany 2014
tradingcards1966 - Squads 2015-16
Trebor - Pop & Soccer All-Star Ring / Star Studded Soccer Belt
Trebor Ltd. - England Squad 1980 (Squad 82)
Trebor Ltd. / Gold Medal Trebor Chewies. - (TRE-040-2/TRC-1-2) Champions
TriStar - Signa Cuts Football ~ Draft Choice (2014)
Tromans / Anonymous - TRO-040 / ZJ5-25 Football Teams & Rules
Tromans / Anonymous - TRO-040 / ZJ5-25 Football Teams & Rules (02)
Tromans / Anonymous - TRO-040 / ZJ5-25 Football Teams & Rules (03)
Tromans / Anonymous - TRO-040 / ZJ5-25 Football Teams & Rules (04)
Trumpfschokoladefabrik - Durch Alle Welt ~ Album B ~ Serie 10 ~ Fußball-Kampfbilder
Trumpfschokoladefabrik - Durch Alle Welt ~ Album C ~ Serie 16 ~ Kampfsport
Tschutti Heftli - Be A Hero Collector's Album ~ Soccerex Global Convention 2015 tschutti heftli
Tschutti Heftli - Sammelalbum 2016 (Euro 2016)
Tschutti Heftli - Sammelalbum 2016 (Euro 2016) (02)
Tschutti Heftli - Tschutti Heftli Sammelbilder 2014
Tschutti Heftli - Tschutti Heftli Sammelbilder 2014 (2)
Tschutti Heftli - Tschutti Heftli Sammelbilder 2014 (3)
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim - TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Autogrammkarten
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim - TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Frauen - TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Frauen Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Frauen - TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Frauen Autogrammkarten (2015-16)
TSV 1860 München - TSV 1860 München Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
TSV 1860 München - TSV 1860 München Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
TSV 1860 München - TSV 1860 München Autogrammkarten (2014-15)
TSV 1860 München - TSV 1860 München Autogrammkarten (2014-15)
Tudor Crisps - Soccer Fans League (Rosette Style Plastic Badges)
Tudor Crisps - Soccer Fans League (Rosette Style Plastic Badges) (2)
Tudor Crisps - Soccer Fans League (Rosette Style Plastic Badges) (3)
Tudor Crisps - Soccer Fans League (Rosette Style Plastic Badges) (4)
Tudor Crisps - Soccer Fans League (Rosette Style Plastic Badges) (5)
Tudor Crisps - Soccer Fans League (Rosette Style Plastic Badges) (6)
Tuff Stuff magazine - Santa Sports
Turkish Airlines - Globally Yours ~ Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi (Postcard)
Turkish Airlines - Manchester United Aircraft (Postcard)
Turkish Airlines - Manchester United Footballers
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Football Highlights / Voetbal Glanspunte
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Football Highlights / Voetbal Glanspunte (2)
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Footballers, Stadiums, Trophies etc. 
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Footballers, Stadiums, Trophies etc. (2)
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Plastic Pin-On Badges of Club Crests
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Plastic Pin-On Badges of Club Crests (2)
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Soccer ~ South African National Football League Soccer Player Cards
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Soccer ~ South African National Football League Soccer Player Cards (2)
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Soccer ~ South African National Football League Soccer Player Cards (3)
Turner & Wright / Turnwright's Chocolate - Soccer ~ South African National Football League Soccer Player Cards (4)
TV Direkt (Germany) - Fußball-WM (2014)
TV Hits Posterbook magazine - TV Hits Posterbook stickers
TV Tornado - Soccer View Souvenir Cover (1968)
TV21 & TV Tornado - Colour Portraits of Famous Soccer Stars
TV21 & TV Tornado - Colour Portraits of Famous Soccer Stars (2)
Tyler's Boots - TYL-070 / The Football Series
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes (2)
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes (3)
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes (4)
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes (5)
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes (6)
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes (7)
Ty-Phoo Tea - Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series / 2nd Series ~ Premium issue Rosettes (8) - Heart of Midlothian
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-280-2 / SUM-43 Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-280-2 / SUM-43 Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series (02)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-280-2 / SUM-43 Famous Football Clubs ~ 1st Series (03)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-290-2 / SUM-44a Famous Football Clubs ~ 2nd Series
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-340/TYP-350-1/TYP-350-2 Football Stars
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-340/TYP-350-1/TYP-350-2 Football Stars (2)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-340/TYP-350-1/TYP-350-2 Football Stars (2)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-340/TYP-350-1/TYP-350-2 Football Stars (3)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-430-1/SUM-46 International Football Stars - 1st Series
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-430-1/SUM-46 International Football Stars - 1st Series (2)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-430-1/SUM-46 International Football Stars - 1st Series (3)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-430-1/SUM-46 International Football Stars - 1st Series (4)
Ty-Phoo Tea - TYP-450-1/TYP-450-2/SUM-50.3 International Football Stars - 2nd Series
Ty-phoo Tea - World Cup 1966 LP Flyer
Ty-Phoo Tea / Co-op - TYP-300-2 Football Club Plaques
Ty-Phoo Tea / Co-op - TYP-300-2 Football Club Plaques (2)
Ty-Phoo Tea / Co-op - TYP-300-2 Football Club Plaques (3)
Tелеком Србија / Telekom Srbija - ФК Црвена Звезда / FK Crvena Zvezda / FC Red Star Belgrade
UEFA - UEFA Europa League Selfie Football Sticker
UK Traditions - Football World Stars ~ Set 1/2
Ülker (Turkey) - Final 90
Ülker (Turkey) - Hobby Futbol
Unela (Israel) - World Cup 1958 (?)
Union Cigarettenfabrik - König Fussball
Union Cigarettenfabrik - König Fussball (2)
Union Cigarettenfabrik - König Fussball (3)
Union Cigarettenfabrik - König Fussball (4)
Union Cigarettenfabrik - König Fussball (4)
Union Cigarettenfabrik - König Fussball (5)
United Services Manuf. Co. Ltd. - Interesting Personalities
United Services Manuf. Co. Ltd. - Popular Footballers
United Services Manuf. Co. Ltd. - Popular Footballers (02)
United States Postal Service - 1984 Olympic Games
United States Postal Service - Centennial Olympic Games (1996)
United Tobacco Agencies (Flyer Cigarettes) - Sporting Terms: Series A
United Tobacco Companies Ltd. / Springbok Cigarettes - Sports & Pastimes in South Africa
Universal Cigarette Card Co. - UNI-460 - Football Clubs & Badges
Universal Match Corp. / J.J. Lipp Paper Co. - Sports (Matchbook)
University of Maryland - University of Maryland Terrapins Soccer Team
University of Virginia - Virginia Cavaliers (2011)
University of Virginia Cavaliers / Coca Cola - University of Virginia Cavaliers (1992)
University of Virginia Cavaliers / Lanzera - University of Virginia Cavaliers (1993)
Unknown - 2013 Copa das Confederações - Colecão Card Game
Unknown - Football Club Shields (2)
Unknown - Football Club Shields (3)
Unknown - Sheffield Wednesday Football Club
Unknown (3)
Unknown card - Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool
Unknown cards - Help wanted
Unknown issuer - 2014 World Cup Brasil
Unknown issuer - 2014 World Cup Brasil (2)
Unknown issuer - Barcelona Footballers
Unknown issuer - Bo Knows
Unknown issuer - Cardiff City A.F.C. Cup Team (Postcard)
Unknown issuer - Cardiff City Footballers ~ Badges
Unknown issuer - Club Nicknames
Unknown issuer - Club Nicknames (2)
Unknown issuer - Club Nicknames (3)
Unknown issuer - Club Nicknames (4)
Unknown issuer - Club Nicknames (5)
Unknown issuer - Copa Do Mundo Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer - Copa Do Mundo Brasil 2014 (2)
Unknown issuer - FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa Magnets
Unknown issuer - FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer - FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer - FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014 (2)
Unknown issuer - FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014 Card Colection
Unknown issuer - FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014 Card Collection (Blue border) (2)
Unknown issuer - Football Cartoon cards
Unknown issuer - Football Club Shields
Unknown issuer - Football Clubs (Circular Discs)
Unknown issuer - Football Clubs (Circular Discs) (2)
Unknown issuer - Football Shields (1930s)
Unknown issuer - Football Shields (1930s) (02)
Unknown issuer - Football Shields (1930s) (03)
Unknown issuer - Football Stars Cards
Unknown issuer - Football Stars Cards (2)
Unknown issuer - Football Stars Cards (3)
Unknown issuer - Football Stars sticker sheet
Unknown issuer - Football Teams
Unknown issuer - Footballer Transfers (1932-33)
Unknown issuer - Footballer Transfers (1932-33) (02)
Unknown issuer - Golden Gifts
Unknown issuer - Golden Gifts (2)
Unknown issuer - Middlesbrough FC Carling Cup Winners 2004
Unknown issuer - Middlesbrough FC Carling Cup Winners 2004 (02)
Unknown issuer - Mundial World Cup Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer - Ron Davies Metalpics ~ Arsenal Double Champions 70/71
Unknown issuer - Ron Davies Metalpics ~ Southampton F.C. 
Unknown issuer - Ron Davies Metalpics ~ Southampton F.C. (2)
Unknown issuer - Ron Davies Metalpics ~ Southampton F.C. (3)
Unknown issuer - Sports ? 
Unknown issuer - Spurs Legends
Unknown issuer - Star Badges (Plastic)
Unknown issuer - The Spurs Sports Favourites
Unknown issuer - Thomas Watson (Cardiff City)
Unknown issuer - UEFA Champions League
Unknown issuer - World Cup (1966?)
Unknown issuer (Argentina) - Brasil 2014 FIFA World Cup
Unknown issuer (Argentina) - Brasil 2014 FIFA World Cup (2)
Unknown issuer (Argentina) - Brasil 2014 FIFA World Cup (2)
Unknown issuer (Argentina) - Deportistas Argentinos y Del Mundo
Unknown issuer (Argentina) - Deportistas Argentinos y Del Mundo (02)
Unknown issuer (Argentina) - Futbol Europeo Album de Figuritas (2012-13)
Unknown issuer (Argentina) - Supergol ~ El Juego Argentino de Cartas de Futbol (2013-14)
Unknown issuer (Argentina, China) - Brasil 2014 FIFA World Cup (3)
Unknown issuer (Argentina, China) - Brasil 2014 FIFA World Cup (3)
Unknown issuer (Bosnia) - Champions League 2013-14
Unknown issuer (Bosnia) - Champions League 2013-14 (02)
Unknown issuer (Bosnia) - Champions League 2013-14 (03)
Unknown issuer (Bosnia) - Champions League 2013-14 (04) - Bosna and Herzegovina
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - 2014 Brasil FIFA World Cup
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - 2014 FIFA World Cup (Green Border)
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - 2014 FIFA World Cup / Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - Campeonato Mundial Mexico 70
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - Card Colection (Green Border)
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - Copa Brasil 2014 cards game
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - Copa Brasil 2014 cards game (2)
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - Copa Brasil 2014 cards game (3)
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - Copa Brasil 2014 cards game (4)
Unknown issuer (Brazil) - Unknown title (World Cup 2014)
Unknown issuer (Bubble Gum) (Turkey) - Euro 2008
Unknown issuer (China) - 2006 World Cup (Playing Cards)
Unknown issuer (China) - 2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil
Unknown issuer (China) - 2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil (Postcards)
Unknown Issuer (China) - Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer (China) - Brazil 2014
Unknown issuer (China) - Brazil 2014 (2)
Unknown issuer (China) - China League Cards 98
Unknown issuer (China) - China League Cards '99
Unknown issuer (China) - Cristiano Ronaldo 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多 Post Cards / Lionel Messi 莱昂内尔·梅西 Post Cards
Unknown issuer (China) - Euro 2000 - Playing Cards - Zinedine Zidane and Eiffel Tower on Blue back
Unknown issuer (China) - Euro 2008
Unknown issuer (China) - Famous Super Stars
Unknown issuer (China) - Famous Super Stars (02)
Unknown issuer (China) - Famous Super Stars ~ Series 2
Unknown issuer (China) - Fan Zhiyi
Unknown issuer (China) - Fan Zhiyi / 范志毅
Unknown issuer (China) - Fan Zhiyi Calendar card (2002)
Unknown issuer (China) - FIFA World Cup 2014 (01)
Unknown issuer (China) - FIFA World Cup 2014 (02)
Unknown issuer (China) - FIFA World Cup 2014 (03)
Unknown issuer (China) - FIFA World Cup Africa 2010
Unknown issuer (China) - Football Superstars Cartoon Portrait ~ Football after 60s (Playing cards)
Unknown issuer (China) - Football Superstars Cartoon Portrait ~ Football after 60s (Playing cards) (2)
Unknown issuer (China) - Footballers ? (2003)
Unknown issuer (China) - Footballers as Chinese Warriors (Playing cards)
Unknown issuer (China) - Top 100 Legend of World Cup
Unknown issuer (China) - Unknown (2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil)
Unknown issuer (China) - Wayne Rooney (Playing cards)
Unknown issuer (China) - Winning Attack Trading Card Game (2014)
Unknown issuer (China) - World Cup ~ France 98
Unknown issuer (China) - World Cup 2006 (?)
Unknown issuer (China) - World Football Legends
Unknown issuer (China) - World Football Star ~ FIFA World Cup Africa 2010 (Playing cards)
Unknown issuer (China) - World Footballers (2000s)
Unknown issuer (Czech Republoc) - Dukla Praha ~ Hall of Fame
Unknown issuer (Ecuador) - Barcelona Sporting Club
Unknown issuer (France) - Les Clubs de Légende
Unknown issuer (Germany) - London-Berlin (Postcard)
Unknown issuer (Greece) - Champions 2014
Unknown issuer (India) - Football Soccer (Playing Cards)
Unknown issuer (India) - Hero Card
Unknown issuer (India) - Untitled (Playing Cards)
Unknown issuer (Newspaper) - Footballers (cut-outs)
Unknown issuer (Newspaper) - Footballers (cut-outs) (02)
Unknown issuer (Newspaper) - Footballers (cut-outs) (03)
Unknown issuer (Norway) - Footballers
Unknown issuer (Peru) - 2012 Olympic Games
Unknown issuer (Peru) - Copa Mundial Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer (Peru) - Mundial Futbol 1958 ~ Suede Sweben Suecia Schweben 1958 Football Futbol Fussball
Unknown issuer (Portugal) - Pélé (1994)
Unknown issuer (Portugal) - Primeira Divisão Calendar Cards (1986-87)
Unknown issuer (Romania) - European Golden Shoe Winners
Unknown issuer (Serbia) - Calendar Cards (1998)
Unknown issuer (Serbia) - The Best Footballers of Europe
Unknown issuer (Spain?) - European Football Stars (adopted title)
Unknown issuer (Turkey) - 2014 World Cup Adrenalyn Trading Card Game
Unknown issuer (Turkey) - Dünya Kupası 82 Futbol Oyunu / World Cup 82 Football Game
Unknown issuer (United Arab Emirates) - FC Barcelona (2012-13)
Unknown issuer (United Arab Emirates) - Real Madrid (2012-13)
Unknown issuer (Uruguay) - Campeonato Mundial en: Londres ano 66 ~ Album Futbol 1966 - Uruguay
Unknown issuer (Uruguay) - Football Club Flags (Silks)
Unknown issuer (Uruguay) - Rivera Football Club Campion del Norte 1927
Unknown issuer (USA) - Heartfelt Wishes (Postcard)
Unknown issuer (USA) - MLS Stadiums (Postcards)
Unknown issuer (Venezuela)
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Brasil 2014 Copa del Mundo
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Brasil 2014 Copa del Mundo
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Brasil 2014 Copa del Mundo (2)
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Brasil 2014 Copa del Mundo (2)
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Brasil 2014 Copa del Mundo (3)
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Campeonato Mundial de Futbol 1986
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Copa América Chile 2015
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Copa América Chile 2015 (02)
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Copa América Chile 2015 sticker collection
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Glorias del Futbol (2015)
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - La Vinotinto ~ Copa America 2011
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Tarjetas De Coleccion FIFA World Cup Brasil
Unknown issuer (Venezuela) - Tarjetas De Coleccion FIFA World Cup Brasil (2)
Unknown issuer (West Germany) - Nottingham Forest gewinn den englischen Pokal
Unknown issuer / Panini (Argentina) - Road to Brazil 2014
Unknown issuer/artist - Joe Clennel (Cardiff City)
Unknown Issuers - Italian cards
Unknown Issuers - Italian cards (2)
Unknown Issuers - Italian cards (2)
Unknown newspaper - Club Curiosities
Unknown Newspaper - Our Sports Gallery
Unknown newspaper - Sportographs
Unknown newspaper - Sports Album
Unknown newspaper - Sports Album (2)
Unknown newspaper - Sports Stars
Unknown newspaper/magazine - Sporting Prints
Unknown publisher - Football Match (Postcards)
Unknown publisher - Manchester City Caricatures
UPEC Matches - Football League Clubs (Matchbox labels)
Upper Deck - 1.FC Kaiserslautern
Upper Deck - 1897-1997 Juvecentus ~ 100 Cento Anni di Juve
Upper Deck - 1897-1997 Juvecentus ~ 100 Cento Anni di Juve (2)
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup ~ English/Spanish (02) - Eoin Jess / Eion Jess
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup ~ English/Spanish ~ The Upper Deck Company Salutes Germany
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup ~ Swiss Edition (McDonalds)
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup ~ Swiss Edition (McDonalds) (02)
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup ~ The Upper Deck Company Salutes The United States National Team
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup ~ The Upper Deck Company Salutes The United States National Team
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup 'Toons
Upper Deck - 1994 World Cup 'Toons (2)
Upper Deck - 2004 MLS
Upper Deck - 2009 Major League Baseball 20th Anniversary
Upper Deck - 2009 NFL Ultimate Collection ~ Ultimate Sport Signatures
Upper Deck - 2010 World of Sports
Upper Deck - 2011 Goodwin Champions
Upper Deck - 2011 Upper Deck World of Sports
Upper Deck - 2012 All-Time Greats Sports Edition
Upper Deck - 2012 Goodwin Champions
Upper Deck - 2012 Goodwin Champions
Upper Deck - 2012 MLS ~ Castrol Index
Upper Deck - 2012 Soccer (MLS)
Upper Deck - 2012 SP Authentic Golf
Upper Deck - 2013 Goodwin Champions
Upper Deck - 2013 Goodwin Champions (2)
Upper Deck - 2013 Goodwin Champions (3)
Upper Deck - 2014 Goodwin Champions
Upper Deck - 2015 Goodwin Champions
Upper Deck - 2015-16 Upper Deck Euroleague Basketball
Upper Deck - 2016 Upper Deck All-Time Greats Master Collection
Upper Deck - 32nd National Sports Collectors Convention 2011
Upper Deck - Baseball Prominent Cuts (2009)
Upper Deck - Chinese Football League A 中国足球甲A联赛 (2001)
Upper Deck - College Colors
Upper Deck - Goudey Baseball (2007)
Upper Deck - Hawaii Trade Conference (2005)
Upper Deck - Juventus (1997-98)
Upper Deck - Juventus ~ Campioni d'Italia 94/95
Upper Deck - Leggenda Azzurra
Upper Deck - Looney Tunes ~ USA Olympicards (1996)
Upper Deck - Los Angeles Galaxy (2012)
Upper Deck - Manchester United (2001-02)
Upper Deck - Manchester United (2001-02) (2)
Upper Deck - Manchester United (2001-02) (2)
Upper Deck - Manchester United (2003-04)
Upper Deck - Manchester United (2003-04) (2) - Welsh Wizard
Upper Deck - Manchester United ~ Mini Playmakers
Upper Deck - Manchester United ~ Strike Force
Upper Deck - Manchester United ~ World Premiere
Upper Deck - Manchester United 2002-03
Upper Deck - Manchester United Legends
Upper Deck - Manchester United Legends (2)
Upper Deck - Manchester United SP Authentic
Upper Deck - MLS 1999
Upper Deck - MLS 2000
Upper Deck - MLS 2001
Upper Deck - MLS 2005
Upper Deck - MLS 2006
Upper Deck - MLS 2007
Upper Deck - MLS 2008
Upper Deck - MLS 2009
Upper Deck - MLS 2010
Upper Deck - MLS 2011
Upper Deck - MLS 2011 (02) - Collect The Set & Win
Upper Deck - SP Game Used Soccer (2011)
Upper Deck - Upper Deck 2012 Las Vegas Industry Summit ~ Authentic Signature Icons
Upper Deck - Upper Deck 2013 Las Vegas Industry Summit ~ Authentic Signature Icons
Upper Deck - Upper Deck 25th Anniversary (2014)
Upper Deck - USA OlympiCards (1996)
Upper Deck - World Cup 94 ~ Honorary Captains (1993 ~ English/Spanish)
Upper Deck - World Cup 94 ~ The Upper Deck Commemorates Mexico National Soccer Team (1993)
Upper Deck (Argentina) - Futebol Argentino '95
Upper Deck (China) - Chinese Football League A 中国足球甲A联赛 (2000)
Upper Deck / Bandai - MLS Action Figures
Upper Deck / Dixan - Campioni al Mondiale (1998)
Upper Deck / Kellogg's - Sports Stars
Upper Deck / Konika Minolta - MLS Best XI (2004)
Upper Deck / Pepsi - Get Out There and Play
Upper Deck / Twizzlers - Sports Stars
Uruguay - Footballers / Sportsmen
V. Doyiakos A.V.E.E. (Greece) - Footballers
V. Doyiakos A.V.E.E. (Greece) - Footballers (02)
V.A.V. (Italy) - Figurine Calcio (1960-61)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (2)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (3)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (4)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (5)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (6)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (7)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (8)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities (9)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities II ~ Unnumbered
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities II ~ Unnumbered (2)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities II ~ Unnumbered (3)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities II ~ Unnumbered (4)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities II ~ Unnumbered (5)
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities III ~ Uppercase
V.C.C. - Sportsmen and Other Notabilities IV ~ Numbered
V.f.L. Wolfsburg - 2013-14 Autogrammkarten
V.f.R. Aalen 1921 - V.f.R. Aalen 1921 Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
Valentine & Sons Ltd. - Real Photo Football Personalities Series
Vancouver Whitecaps / 7/Eleven - Vancouver Whitecaps (1983)
Vancouver Whitecaps FC / Chevron - Vancouver Whitecaps FC (2012)
Vancouver Whitecaps FC / Chevron - Vancouver Whitecaps FC (2014)
Vancouver Whitecaps FC / Chevron - Vancouver Whitecaps FC (2015)
Vancouver Whitecaps FC / Chevron - Vancouver Whitecaps FC ~ Our all. Our honour. (2013)
Vanderhout International - München '74
Vanderhout International (Belgium) - Voetbal Sterren in Aktie ~ Eerste Divisie 71/72 / Vedettes du Footbal en Action ~ Premiere Division 71/72
Vanderhout International (Belgium) - Voetbalsterren Eerste Divisie 70/71 (Dutch version) / Vedettes du Football Premiere Division 70/71 (French version)
Vanderhout International (Belgium) - Voetbalsterren Vedettes du Football Eerste Divisie/Premiere Division 72/73
Vanderhout International (Belgium) - World Cup? (1970)
Vanderhout International (Belgium) / Vanderhout International (Netherlands) - Voetbalsterren Vedettes du Footbal ~ Premiere Division/Eerste Divisie '72/'73 / Voetbalsterren 1972-73
Vanderhout International (F.K.S.) - Mexico 70 World Cup
Various - League Ladders Team Tabs
Various - League Ladders Team Tabs (2)
Various - League Ladders Team Tabs (3)
Various - League Ladders Team Tabs (4)
Various - League Ladders Team Tabs (5)
Various - League Ladders Team Tabs (6)
Various ~ Panini / Topps / School Shop / Navarrete / etc. - FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014
Various Issuers (Netherlands) - Football Sugar Packets
Vaux Breweries - Footballers
Vav (Italy) - (6460) Calcio-1950
Vav (Italy) - Serie Campioni (1951)
Venorlandus - World of Sport ~ Our Heroes (Posters)
Venorlandus - World of Sport ~ Our Heroes Flik-Cards
VfB Lübeck - VfB Lübeck Autogrammkarten (1996-97)
VfB Stuttgart - VfB Stuttgart Autogrammkarten (1994-95)
VfB Stuttgart - VfB Stuttgart Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
VfB Stuttgart - VfB Stuttgart Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
VfB Stuttgart - VfB Stuttgart Autogrammkarten (2014-15)
VfB Stuttgart Amateure - VfB Stuttgart Amateure Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (1989-90)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (1990-91)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (1991-92) (01)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (1991-92) (02)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (1994-95)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (2014-15)
VfL Bochum - VfL Bochum Autogrammkarten (2014-15)
VfL Osnabrück - VfL Osnabrück Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
VfL Wolfsburg - VfL Wolfsburg Autogrammkarten (2000-01)
VfL Wolfsburg Frauen - VfL Wolfsburg Frauen Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
VfR Aalen - VfR Aalen Autogrammkarten (2012-13)
Victor comic - 1986 World Cup stamps
Vidal - Bubble Goal (Euro 2016)
Villa News & Record - Our Picture Gallery
Villa News & Record - Our Picture Gallery (2)
Villa News & Record - Our Picture Gallery (3)
Vincenzo Bartolo (Sliema, Malta) / Tysoo Cigarettes - Sliema Wanderers F.C. Footballers
Virgin Media/Sky Sports - Sky Sports 5
vizaMG (Croatia) - Brazuka 2014
Voetbal International - Verzamelalbum 50 Jaar Voetbal International
Voetbal International / PostNL - 50 years of Voetbal International
Voetbal magazine / Foot magazine / Snickers / M&Ms / Mars - World Cup Medal Collection 1994 ~ De Rode Duivels / Les Diables Rouges
Vogue Labels Ltd. (Malta) - Maltese Soccer Stars 1975/76
Volkswagon - Volkswagen Allstars
W. & F. Faulkner (Grenadier Cigarettes) / W.D. & H.O. Wills (Capstan Cigarettes) - Football Terms ~ 1st series/2nd series
W. & F. Faulkner (Grenadier Cigarettes) / W.D. & H.O. Wills (Capstan Cigarettes) - Football Terms ~ 1st series/2nd series (2)
W. & F. Faulkner (Grenadier Cigarettes) / W.D. & H.O. Wills (Capstan Cigarettes) - Football Terms ~ 1st series/2nd series (3)
W. & J. McLintock - Football Free
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Association Footballers
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Association Footballers (02)
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Association Footballers (Second Series)
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Football Club Colours
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Footballers (Brown)
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Footballers (Coloured, with inset portrait)
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Sporting Celebrities
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Sporting Trophies
W. A. & A. C. Churchman - Well-Known Ties (Small / Large)
W. A. & A. C. Churchman / Card Collectors Society - Sporting Celebrities (02)
W. Shipton - SHI-060/SIB-1 Trojan Gen-Cards ~ Group 9 ~ Stars of Sport
W.A. & A.C. Churchman - Wembley Exhibition
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Association Footballers (Frame on back)
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Association Footballers (Frame on back) (02)
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Association Footballers (No Frame on back)
W.D. & H.O. Wills - British Sporting Personalities
W.D. & H.O. Wills - British Sporting Personalities (2)
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Famous Footballers (1914 ~ Wills trademark/Scissors Cigarettes)
W.D. & H.O. Wills - First Aid
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Football Series
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Irish Sportsmen
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Our King & Queen
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Radio Celebrities
W.D. & H.O. Wills - Sports of all Nations
W.D. & H.O. Wills - The Life of H.M. King Edward VIII
W.D. & H.O. Wills - The Reign of H.M. King George V, 1910-1935
W.D. & H.O. Wills - War Incidents
W.D. & H.O. Wills (Flag Cigarettes, Scissors Cigarettes, United Service Cigarettes) - International Footballers 1909-10
W.D. & H.O. Wills (Scissors Cigarettes) - Football Club Colours (1907)
W.D. & H.O. Wills (Scissors Cigarettes) - Football Club Colours (1907) (02)
W.D. & H.O. Wills / British American Toboacco Co. / Lambert & Butler - Homeland Events
W.D. & H.O. Wills / Wild Woodbine - W62-521.5-1 Football Fixture Folder 1956-57
W.D. & H.O. Wills / Wild Woodbine - W62-521.5-1 Football Fixture Folder 1957-58
W.D. & H.O. Wills / Wild Woodbine - W62-521.5-1 Football Fixture Folder 1957-58 (02)
W.H. Webber - 1926-27 Cardiff City Footballers
W.J. Beck - Blackpool FC Player Postcards
W.R. Priddy - Andy Awford (Portsmouth F.C.) Testimonial
W.R. Priddy - Andy Awford (Portsmouth F.C.) Testimonial (2)
W.R. Priddy - Footballers
W.R. Priddy - Portsmouth F.C. 1946-59
W.R. Wilkinson & Co. - WIL-330/WIF-1 Popular Footballers
Waddingtons - Waddingtons Number 1 - Liverpool FC (Playing cards)
Waddingtons - Waddingtons Number 1 ~ Chelsea F.C. (Playing cards) (2006)
Waddingtons - Waddingtons Number 1 ~ Chelsea F.C. (Playing cards) (2013-14)
Waddingtons - Waddingtons Number 1 ~ Manchester United F.C. Playing Cards
Waddingtons / Shredded Wheat - Set of Four Exciting Jigsaws
Waddingtons / Super Top Trumps - Top Trumps ~ Todays Strikers
Waddingtons / Top Trumps - Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, West Ham United 2012/13
Wagon Wheels / Burtons Foods Ltd. - Skill Cards
Wagon Wheels / Burtons Foods Ltd. - Super Strikers
Wagon Wheels / Burtons Foods Ltd. - World Cup Dream Team
Wales On Sunday - Welsh Sporting Heroes
Walkers Crisps - Looney Tunes Tazos
Walkers Crisps - Sporting Heroes Top Tips
Walkers Crisps - Vardy Salted
Walkers Crisps / Leicester City F.C. - Salt & Victory
Walkers Tobacco Co. - Footballers
Wallace International - Italia 90 ~ World Cup Medallions
Wall's - Time Travel with Starship 4
Walsall F.C. - Autographed Player Cards
Walter Empsall, Bute Dock Hotel - Cardiff City A.F.C. Fixture Card 1923-24
Washington - Voetbal Logo's Engeland (Cigar bands)
Washington Diplomats / Dave Pyle's Lincoln Mercury - Washington Diplomats (1981)
Watford F.C. - Watford F.C. Official Handbook 2000/2001
Wayfarer Raincoats (Wayfarer Tailored Clothes) - (WAY-040-4) Football - Incidents in Play
Wealdstone F.C. - Wealdstone F.C. Programme Supplement
Webcosa - (WEB-150/WAYM-3) Footballers
Webcosa - Football Bingo cards
Webcosa - Football Bingo wrapper
Webcosa - Football Bingo wrappers (2)
Webcosa - Football Bingo Wrappers (3)
Webcosa - Football Bingo Wrappers (4)
Webcosa - Football Bingo Wrappers (5)
Weekly Record (Scottish) - Famous English Footballers 1913-14
Weekly Record (Scottish) - Famous English Footballers 1913-14 (2)
Weetabix Ltd - WEG-29 World of Sport
Weet-Bix - Socceroos
Weet-bix (Australia) - Socceroos (2007)
Wendy's Hamburgers / Pepsi Cola - Rochester Lancers
Werder Bremen - Werder Bremen Autogrammkarten (2013-14)
West Bromwich Albion F.C. - Single Sheet Programme Insert
West Bromwich Albion F.C. / Cadbury Trebor Bassett - Albion03 (2003-04)
West Bromwich Building Society / Guests - West Bromwich Albion 1945 - 1995 VE/VJ Day Commemorations
West Ham United F.C. - programme inserts
West Ham United F.C. - programme inserts (04) - 1968-69
West Ham United F.C. - programme inserts (05) - 1968-69 (02)
West Ham United F.C. - programme inserts (06) - 1969-70
West Ham United F.C. - programme inserts (07) - 1970-71
West Ham United F.C. - programme inserts (2)
West Ham United F.C. - programme inserts (3)
West Herts Post - (WES-020/WEN-1) Watford Footballers
West Midlands Collectors Centre - Golden Wolves
West Midlands Collectors Centre - Vintage Spurs
West Yorkshire Police - Huddersfield Town F.C. 
West Yorkshire Police - Leeds United F.C. 
Western Mail - Wales Soccer Stars
Westminster Collections / Royal Mail - Football Heroes Collector Cards
Wheels In Motion Ltd. - England World Cup 98 Instant Replay Collection
When Saturday Comes - WSC Couch Potato's World Cup '94 Match Analysis Stickers
WHI-345a/b/c Whiteheads Furs - Bolton Wanderers Footballers
WHI-345a/b/c Whiteheads Furs - Bolton Wanderers Footballers (2)
Whitbread Best Bitter - Six of the Best (beer mats)
Whizzer and Chips - Sid Says
Wiggins Teape / Ace - Bobby Charlton's World Cup Aces
Wilkins' Cough Tablets - Footballers
Willard Chocolates - V-122 Sporting Champions (1924)
William & Mary College (USA) - Jon Stewart
William Clarke & Son - Football Series
William Clarke & Sons - Sporting Terms
William Collins & Son - Famous Footballers ~ Herriot Series
William Collins & Son - Famous Footballers ~ Herriot Series (2)
William Collins & Son - Football Phrases Illustrated - F Series
William Collins & Son - Football Phrases Illustrated - F Series (02)
William Dawber - Footballers
William Younger & Co. / Youngers Tartan Special - Sporting Greats
Williams Förlags AB (Denmark) - Fodbold VM '74
Williams Förlags AB (Sweden) - Fotboll 68
Williams Förlags AB (Sweden) - Fotboll 68 (2)
Williams Förlags AB (Sweden) - Fotboll 71
Williams Förlags AB (Sweden) - Fotboll 72
Williams Förlags AB (Sweden) - Fotboll 72 (02)
Williams Förlags AB (Sweden) - VM-Affischen 2-70
Wingate Cards - Team Line-Ups
Winning Moves - Manchester United Playing Cards (2013)
Winning Moves / Creative Toys - Soccerstarz Mini Top Trumps (2015-16)
Winning Moves / Mini Top Trumps - England Football Stars 2014
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - 2014-15 World Football Stars - Who's the World's Best?
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - 2014-15 World Football Stars - Who's the World's Best? (30 cards)
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - 30 Famous Londoners
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Arsenal 2013/14
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United 2014/15
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Chelsea 2013/14
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Chelsea F.C. 2014-15
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Everton (2011)
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Farewell Boleyn 1904-2016 ~ 30 Best Moments (West Ham United)
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Game of Crowns
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Legends of London
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Liverpool 2013/14
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Liverpool F.C. 2013/14
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Liverpool F.C. 2014-15
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Manchester City 2013/14
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Manchester City F.C. 2014-15
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Manchester United 2013/14
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Manchester United F.C. 2010
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Mini Top Trumps Football 2010/11
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - Spurs Stars
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - The Royal Wedding
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - World Football Stars 2016/17
Winning Moves / Top Trumps - World Football Stars 2016/17 (02)
Winning Moves / Top Trumps (Germany) - Internationale Fussballstars 5 (02)
Winning Moves / Top Trumps / Budweiser - World Cup 2002
Winning Moves / Top Trumps / Manchester United Fan Club - Busby Babes 50th Anniversary ~ One United
Winning Moves/Top Trumps - Die Nationalmannschaft 2014
Winning Moves/Top Trumps - Die Nationalmannschaft 2014 (02)
Winston 'Sporties' - WIN-110b Internationals
Winston 'Sporties' - WIN-110b Internationals (02)
Wizard comic - The Team.... 
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions (2001-02)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions ~ Title Race (2001-02)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions 2001-02 (France)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions 2001-02 (Germany)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions 2001-02 (Italy)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions 2002-03 (Italy)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions 2002-03 (Italy) (02)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions 2003-04 (Italy)
Wizards of the Coast - Football Champions 2004-05 (Italy)
Wizards of the Coast / Subbutteo - Football Champions / Subbuteo Trading Card Game (2002-03)
Wm. Younger & Co. Ltd. - Season 1936-37 Football Fixture booklet
Wolverhampton Chronicle - Wolves Players Badges
Wolverhampton Express & Star - Wolves Stars
Wolverhampton Sporting Star - Star Gallery
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. - Gold Stars Lottery card
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. - Gold Stars Lottery card (2)
Woolworths - Kick Off 2006 DVD and Football Quiz
Woolworths - Soccaball
Woolworths/Coca Cola/Schweppes - Soccaball (2)
World Cup 1966 / Campeonato de Mundial 1966 - F.K.S., Disgra, Sicker, A.P.R., etc. 
World Cup Bubble Gum - 60 Years of World Cup 1930-1990
World Cup Bubble Gum - 60 Years of World Cup 1930-1990 (02)
World Cup Bubble Gum - 60 Years of World Cup 1930-1990 (2)
World Soccer - 1930-1990 60 Glorious Years ~ World Cup Heroes
World Soccer - Euro Fixtures Guide 1992-93
World Soccer - Great Matches That Made History (Booklet)
World Soccer - History of the European Championship (Booklet)
World Soccer - MasterCard Guide to Euro 92
World Soccer Promotions - Soccer Shots ~ 12th National Sports Collectors Convention Commemorative Sheet
World Soccer Promotions - Soccer Shots ~ Pele
World Soccer Promotions - Soccer Shots ~ Pele (1993)
World Soccer Promotions - Soccer Shots ~ Promo card
World Soccer Promotions - Soccer Shots Prototype cards
World Soccer Promotions - Soccer Shots World Cup Series
World Soccer Promotions - Soccer Shots World Cup Series (02)
World Soccer Promotions (USA) - Soccer Shots
World Soccer Promotions / American Airlines - Soccer Shots International ~ United States
World Soccer Promotions / Authentic Images ~ Soccer Shots - Pele
WREG-TV - Memphis Americans (1982-83)
WREG-TV - Memphis Americans (1982-83) (2)
WS-Verlag / Bilder und Werbedienst - 30245-31 Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1958
WS-Verlag / Bilder und Werbedienst - 30245-31 Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1958 (02)
Wuppertaler SV Autogrammkarten (1993-94)
www.fantop.tv - Prvaliga TelekomSlovenije Digitalni Album 2015/16
www.rarecards.co.uk - Football Cards
www.rif.org - D.C. United Bookmarks
www.schoolsfl.com - Schools Fantasy League
www.tamworthfcheritage.co.uk - Lambs Legends (Tamworth Football Club)
Youdao Dictionary 有道词典 - UEFA Euro 2012
Youdao Dictionary 有道词典 - UEFA Euro 2012 (2)
Zhuhai Huafeng Food Company (China) / Futera - FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010
Zhuhai Huafeng Food Company (China) / Futera - FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 (2)
Zhuhai Huafeng Food Company (China) / Futera - FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 (3)
Zhuhai Huafeng Food Company (China) / Futera - FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 (4)
ZPL - World Cup 2002 Collection
Еженедельник ФУТБОЛ (Football) - Звезды Чм-2014 в Разилии (Stars of World Cup 2014 in Brazil)
"Издательство ""Даринчи"" (Darinchi) - Футбольная сборная мира (Football Team of the World)"
Нептун / Neptune - World Cup 2002
Нептун Жувальна Гумка - Football
进攻足球 (Attack Soccer) magazine (China) - 2014-15 进攻足球 贴图册 (Attack Soccer Sticker Album)

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